Italy 24 Press News

The Caio laboratories at 360° like the “LEARNING BY DOING” Artistic Atelier

As part of the “learning by doing” Artistic Atelier project, we learn trades and redevelop the areas of our school in a restyling of the laboratory classrooms of the “Caio Giulio Cesare” comprehensive institute… and more!

During this school year, the Artistic Atelier and Street Art work groups created by the first, second and third classes, led by professors Isabella Mariani and Alessia Andreoli, have excellently completed the restyling of the access doors to the classrooms workshops of the Institute and created a mural that characterizes the musical direction of our lower secondary school: a strong stimulus to Emotional Intelligence, a fundamental Solf Skill for the peaceful growth of the student! Stimulus also put into practice to support the end-of-year event of the Caio Giulio Cesare musical address orchestra, entitled “Dream boy dream”!

What better title to underline the union between music and art! If we told Vecchioni, he would be proud!!! In fact, as part of the interdisciplinary activities of Caio Giulio Cesare, the students of the musical branch, assisted by the art teachers, created the scenography of the end-of-year show. Specifically, the boys designed and created on a cotton sheet the tree representing the four seasons and which served as the backdrop to the notes of “The Four Seasons” by Vivaldi, in a sublime interpretation by the students of the course. music of the 1st Grade Secondary School.

On the other hand, laboratory teaching has always been a strong point of our comprehensive school! It is no coincidence that every year disciplinary and interdisciplinary projects are completed aimed at involving children, enhancing everyone’s skills in the various disciplinary fields.

Thanks to the help of our art laboratory we can experiment with emotional intelligence in order to develop skills such as: self-control, motivation, empathy and social skills, finding together strategies to overcome challenges and apply strong teaching and innovative: “There is no teaching that is the same for everyone, but teachings built on individual characteristics” (Howard Gardner).

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