Italy 24 Press News

The Proximity Office opens in Busto: the “Tribunal relief” desk in via Candiani

BUSTO ARSIZIO – Justice closer to citizens also in Busto Arsizio, with the inauguration of the Neighborhood Officescheduled for Thursday 13 June at 10.30 in the rooms of Palazzo Gilardoni which overlook via Candiani. It will be managed by the municipal administration in tandem with the Medio Olona special agency.

The council resolution

In recent days the Antonelli council approved the extension until 31 December 2024 of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Lombardy Region and the Court of Busto Arsizioconcerning the establishment and therefore the activation of the Proximity Office, and the extension until 31 December 2026 of theCollaboration agreement with the territorial area of ​​Castellanza – Azienda Speciale Consortile Medio Olona for the shared management of the Proximity Office. The annual cost borne by the Municipality of Busto is quantified at 3,900 euros.

What is it for

The Proximity Office Complex Project, promoted by the Ministry of Justice, is aimed at achieving a network of Proximity Offices capable of offering homogeneous services in the field of voluntary jurisdiction aimed above all at the vulnerable segments of the population, decongesting access to the Courts thanks to the collaboration and involvement of Local Authorities. In a nutshell, the Neighborhood Office will be available for release of information, assistance and management of voluntary jurisdiction practices intended for the Court. It will be possible to receive free orientation on services such as support administrations, guardianships, requests to the guardianship judge regarding minors, as well as filing the relevant documentation electronically.

bust arsizio proximity office – MALPENSA24
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