Italy 24 Press News

Summer school in Herculaneum between Villa Campolieto and Villa Favorita

On the one hand the immense and exceptional cultural heritage, on the other the issue of security and the climate emergency. The governance of the territory and the defense against environmental risks require up-to-date professionalism and skills capable of dealing with the complexity of the territories and moving within the regulations that aim to mitigate risks.

Herculaneum, an exceptional paradigm of the co-presence of a complex heritage, made up of extraordinary landscape values ​​and a complex series of risks, from volcanic to seismic, will be the venue where the activities of the Summer School “Structures & Appearance Engineering & Architecture for Heritage Conservation”.

In the prestigious locations of Villa Campolieto and the lower park of Villa Favorita, for which an important recovery project of the ABAP Superintendency for the metropolitan area of ​​Naples is underway, from 16 to 21 June, Italian and foreign teachers and professionals will offer, illustrating exceptional experiences, an update on these themes. This is reserved for a selected group of young professionals with the aim of discussing the project’s themes, experimenting in the field with applications and approaches in an area of ​​the Herculaneum archaeological park. The educational and scientific opportunity of the Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture of the Federico II University, which this year celebrates the 800th anniversary of its foundation, is closely linked with the action on the territory and the most ancient tradition of its heritage excellences, through synergies with the ABAP Superintendency for the metropolitan area of ​​Naples, the Ente Ville Vesuviane Foundation and the archaeological park itself – with which there is a memorandum of understanding – and the Herculaneum Conservation Project of the Packard Humanities Institute.

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