Italy 24 Press News

Taranto in water crisis: CIA Due Mari’s appeal to the Prefects – Pugliapress

Water crisis in the Tarantino area. The Due Mari Area of ​​CIA Agricoltori Italiani di Puglia launches a heartfelt appeal to the prefects of Taranto and Matera, to the presidents of the Puglia and Basilicata regions, and to the leaders of the reclamation consortia and the regional departments of Agriculture. The situation is critical: water shortages seriously threaten the crops in the province of Taranto.

The last cry of alarm comes from president Pietro De Padova and director Vito Rubino. The letter, registered urgently, urges compliance with the historic agreements between Puglia and Basilicata on the shared management of the water resources of the San Giuliano dam, an agreement that dates back to 1958. But recent non-compliances and the lack of winter rain have exacerbated the situation , bringing crops to the brink of disaster.

In Ginosa, Palagianello and Castellaneta, the water crisis in the Tarantino area has already caused serious damage. Vine, citrus, fruit and vegetable crops are suffering from insufficient irrigation. The CIA reports that Puglia receives quantities of water well below the agreements, while Basilicata continues to regularly benefit from water resources.

The CIA urgently requests the delivery of at least 800 liters per second towards Puglia. Furthermore, it urges the new commissioner of the Central South Puglia Reclamation Consortium to eliminate the bureaucratic obstacles that have so far prevented the protection of the region’s water interests.

There water crisis in the Tarantino area This is nothing new, but its intensity this year is particularly worrying. Local farmers are in difficulty and agricultural production is in danger. It is essential that authorities respond quickly to avoid further economic and environmental damage.

It is clear that the situation requires immediate and decisive interventions. The letter from the CIA Due Mari is a cry of alarm that cannot be ignored. There water crisis in the Tarantino area must be addressed with determination and cooperation between the regions involved.

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