Italy 24 Press News

Legends and stories Magical Siena told by the children of Saffi

Timeless Sienese folk stories are told: the children of the Saffi Elementary School are the protagonists of a long afternoon in the Oliveta gardens, kindly made available by the Contrada della Chiocciola, bringing to the stage a long work that lasted the school year that is coming to an end , elaborating some “magical” Sienese legends, taken from Massimo Biliorsi’s book “Magic guide to Siena. Legends and mysteries for enterprising kids” (Edizioni Il Leccio). Over two hundred children from the ten classes of the glorious Aurelio Saffi Primary School have relived five stories that have become legends in their own image.

A beautiful sun accompanied this joyful afternoon. A large audience made up of parents, relatives or simply curious people who came across monologues, songs and choirs, a sort of lively musical that accompanied a moment of reflection on the past, on the meaning of memory. Behind all the winter work of the over twenty teachers-teachers, their patience, their inspiration, in the coordination of the Headmaster Simona Ugolini, of the staging, highly original and highly topical, of the music teacher Paolo Scatena, who draws on musical themes that drag the kids to sing, to be together, to experience legends that still have a strong hold on the kids, such as “The tailor and the angel of via degli Orefici”, “The girl of the Casa Torre”, “The enchanted valley of Bring Justice”, “The prankster ghost of the Botanical Garden” to conclude with the eternal secret of “The mysterious river of Diana”.

The final applause shows that children still and always love timeless stories, that the past without rhetoric is still compelling to tell, that the fairy tale is a starting point where you can take flight and put your own spin on it. It is a timeless game that they will carry with them as a beautiful memory, but above all a tool to then decipher life.

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