Italy 24 Press News

A great success for the third edition of the “Sicily Music Conference”

The third edition of the “Sicily Music Conference“, the project born 4 years ago to explore topics close to the music supply chainto propose workshops and seminars and, above all, to create a network between operators Sicilians And international.

During the four days of the conference, many professionals, based in the Sicilian territory and coming from other regions ofItalyas well as from Norway, Holland, England, Germany, Malta and also from the United States andSaudi Arabiathey met to underline the important thing cultural role from the Sicily and to address some points common to all.

The 2024 edition of the “Sicily Music Conference” took place at Garibaldi Theatre Of Palermo et al Building from the Culture Of Cataniawhere panels were held in the wonderful and welcoming spaces made available to local institutions, workshops and speed dates which enriched the discussion, as well as allowed the many guests to attend SMC (Sicily Music Conference) to share projects among themselves and with the large audience that attended. Many organizations supported the “Sicily Music Conference“, with contents and the presence of speakers, some historic ones such as Billboard Italy, Rock10elode, VevoSoundwall, Butik and many new associations and realities, such as ResQ,, Essemagazine, AssomusicaFimi, KeepOn LIVE, Italy Music ExportMusic Innovation Hub, Asvis, A Nome Loro, Musica Contro le Mafie, Music For Changeand also Pulp Entertainment, Lazytime/Meraki, Puntoeacapo Concerts.

There SMC is designed by Federica Ceppa, Giulio Castronovo, Dario Caretto and Enrico Cantaro, and is organized by the “Sicily Music Conference” Association, with Gomad Concerti and Palermo Suona. The organizers thank the Municipality of Palermothe Municipality of Catania and the Department of Tourism, Sport and Entertainment of the Sicilian Region. The 2025 edition of the SMC is scheduled for May 14th to 17th.

“The Association”Sicily Music Conference” a new project begins today, with the desire to expand the net of the Festival and the net from the Artistic Residenciesnot forgetting the educational vocation and professionalising – he states Federica CeppaCo-founder & Head of Strategy of SMC -. The objective is to create a platform for discussion and performance, which allows us to analyze the fundamental role of music in the expression of local identity, in promoting tourism and in incorporating elements of tradition and innovation. We believe that the Sicily can play a central and important role cultural crossroads to level international, and the collaborations established in this edition will be a precious support, as well as an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Thanks to all those who participated as speakers and teachers, to those who followed the panels and workshops, to the audience of the DJ sets and to all those who have already applied to be with us in Sicily Next year. We have just concluded a truly special year, a very ambitious edition, due to the choice to double the locations and involve many international delegates. We have addressed issues of social responsibility and hospitality, without neglecting the educational part aimed at younger people, because we believe that our role is not only that of operators in the supply chain, but of women and men in a constantly evolving world, which requires concrete actions. The “Sicily Music Conference” it’s a net and increasingly intends to develop that networkwhich can bring so much good to musicto the tourism and to theeconomy of a territory wonderful, which is the Sicily“.

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