Italy 24 Press News

“Our history has been tarnished.” Choirs against Tiong, Canile and Roberta Nocelli

ANCONA – The flags and banners were red. But above all the anger of a “betrayed” city, as the mayor Daniele Silvetti defined it. «You have tarnished our history» was the thought of the two thousand who responded yesterday to the call from the Curva Nord for the demonstration from Piazza Roma to Palazzo del Popolo. Many fans but also families with children. All united to protest against yet another collapse of Ancona Calcio, the fourth in twenty years.

The choirs

The Dorica triumvirate is in the sights of the fans, accused of having turned its back on the city. “Canin man of s…” chanted. “Nocelli, go away…” another chased after him. But along Corso Garibaldi there was more than just room for resentment. What filled the center was the pride of a city that wanted to cling to a shirt that certainly didn’t deserve this end. “People like us never give up” the demonstrators sang behind a banner that recalled – in large letters – how they had taken to the streets “just for us”. And also “Gente di mare” by Raf and Umberto Tozzi, as well as all the choirs that the red and whites have always sung in the stands of Del Conero to support their beloved team. Before the start of the procession, the demonstrators were introduced to the Curva Nord delegation who had met Mayor Silvetti in Jesi in the morning, on a neutral ground for reasons of public order, to discuss the fate of the club.

The proposals

Every proposed path “is fine for us” the ultras said but under one condition. Shared and reiterated by Silvetti. «No to mergers or incorporations with other sports clubs» he stated from the steps of the town hall, greeted by applause from the fans. With him also the councilors Angelo Eliantonio and Marco Battino. Then the rallying call of those who, in addition to support, can also give something more to save Ancona. “We make an appeal to entrepreneurs, to the economic forces of the city which cannot be withdrawn for too long” underlined the tricolor band. Then more chants, yes but of passion and love towards Ancona. And banners, flags, fireworks and smoke bombs. Once the party is over, however, an uncertain fate still remains. It’s dark, right now. “Saving the freshman will be difficult,” Silvetti pointed out. Also because he «would mean talking to those who have disappeared from circulation today». The reference is to Tony Tiong, the former patron of an Ancona that was abandoned to itself overnight. The choirs didn’t spare him either. “For a few days it seems like I’ve been living a nightmare, something shameful has happened” says Daniele Montanino, one of the many who came to the scene. «We trusted those who led the club to this disaster, starting with Roberta Nocelli who knew and kept everything hidden» is the j’accuse of a red and white historian, Bruno Cardilli. «Betrayed by those who had our trust. Now the future becomes really nebulous” according to the Society’s biographer Franco Lorenzini. «We’ve had three failures but this is the worst situation ever» attacks Massimo Sturani of Maxi Bar.

The pride

“We have also reiterated that we no longer want any architect of this latest corporate management at the helm of the Ancona team to come, as they have betrayed the trust and passion of an entire people” wrote the Nord fans in a released note. «Today is the moment of pride» is the note from the Ancona youth sector. The time for good news is still far away. “Covisoc won’t give us good news on Monday, we all know that.” This is the reason for the appeal with which the mayor took leave of the crowd: “Stay close to us”.

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