Italy 24 Press News

the final rallies of Romito, Leccese and Laforgia

Friday evening in Bari is marked by the last electoral rallies before the polls open tomorrow morning. The three main candidates for the office of mayor of Bari organized the last events of their electoral campaigns in the streets of the city centre.

Fabio Romito, candidate of the centre-right, opened the dance at 8.30pm with a rally in via Sparano. “We are free women and men who have only one goal in mind – he declared from the stage – that of making our city more beautiful, more just, more true. We are here to draw a true, visible, real boundary between those who have in mind a Bari different from today’s and those who, to protect a small personal interest, expect things to remain exactly as they are.“. Also on stage with the centre-right mayoral candidate were Filippo Melchiorre, Francesco Paolo Sisto, Marcello Gemmato and representatives of the lists that support Romito.

At 9.30 pm, Vito Leccese gave his speech at the end of the electoral campaign in via Argiro, in front of the headquarters of his electoral committee. The mayoral candidate of the Democratic Party, in his speech, thanked the outgoing mayor Antonio Decaro, reiterating the line of continuity with the previous municipal administration that he intends to propose: “Well, when you say that the most beautiful public work of these ten years was building a community, well, know that much of the credit was yours. We will continue to cement the bonds of solidarity within this community“.

Michele Laforgia closed his electoral campaign at 10pm with a rally on Molo San Nicola. The candidate supported by the Movement, More Europe and the Italian Communist Party, underlined the importance and attention to the neighborhoods furthest from the city center. “We have decided to travel every day for weeks through the neighborhoods furthest from the center, which others like to call the suburbs – declared Laforgia from the stage – We did it every day, setting up a stage in every town hall every evening, holding a rally like tonight, like it was done a long time ago, when rallies filled the squares and above all rallies could change the electoral results“.

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