Italy 24 Press News

De Luca: “The Government’s election campaign is full of lies and even more”

“We are at the end of an electoral campaign characterized by propaganda and in recent weeks by a wind of vulgarity introduced by the Prime Minister”. The governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca said this in his live Facebook broadcast on Friday. “The electoral campaign – said De Luca – went ahead amidst unimaginable examples of vulgarity and with a truly shocking debate and propaganda. However, we are in the final stages, which are characterized by the propensity of the Government and the Prime Minister to offer lies to the Italian citizens, to produce balls, and in recent days not only hot air balloons, but also airships”.

Migrant Case: “Skills of the Interior Ministry”

“On the flow of migrants they attempted to make this incorrect and defamatory association between Campania and an element of irregularity in the flow of migrants, with many more requests for entry for work compared to the number of companies”. Vincenzo De Luca continued, referring to Prime Minister Meloni’s complaint about the entry of migrants into the region. “I read – added De Luca – a letter from the migrant coordinator of Naples who asked: given that the job applications are registered by the prefectures’ platforms, why didn’t you place a limit on those PCs? We are therefore talking about quackery. I remember that the Region has nothing to do with the flow of migrants, all responsibility lies with the Ministry of the Interior where Minister Piantedosi has been there for two years, Meloni’s controversy is therefore a self-denunciation of the People’s Government, welcoming it with health visits to those he arrives”.

Campania healthcare waiting lists: “A scam”

“Three days before the vote, the measure will be released which from tomorrow will eliminate the waiting lists, one of the fraudulent and ramshackle initiatives of this Government”. De Luca then continued. “On this project – he said – there is not a single euro allocated, except 500,000 euros for 2024 and 1.5 million for 2025 to pay those who will be part of the control body established by the Government. There is already ‘Agenas but let’s create a new committee, instead of pouring the data onto the agency’s digital platform. Know that all the Government’s IT platforms have never worked. The Pnrr one didn’t work in most cases, they don’t have to respond to everyone in 15 days. the findings of inefficiency made by individual citizens, therefore the ASL managers will be busy producing papers instead of providing services to citizens, ours is the only Government in Europe that complicates all the bureaucratic processes. It must be said that Campania has already for a year the single booking system, including the private partner, without waiting for the royal decree of Vittorio Emanuele III”.

FSC Campania funds: After the vote we hope for an agreement

“We are still awaiting the response with confidence, given that the vote is now upon us, for the signing of the cohesion agreement with Campania. After this fateful Sunday the Government has decided to give us the date for the agreement whose program we have sent on 11 October to the Government, with a person year without any public motivation from Rome”. The president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca said this on Facebook. «Minister Fitto – explained De Luca – recently said that the problem is not time but merit. But time is crucial to open the construction sites, otherwise the cost of the works increases. Time perhaps doesn’t count for Fitto, but it counts for builders, for citizens who need work and for those who ask for bank loans. Time is decisive. We hope that once the elections have passed they will decide to sign the first cohesion agreement in Campania to be signed. to deal with social and territorial problems. In this fund I remember that there are also the road works of the Campi Flegrei, but Fitto says that time is a non-decisive variable”.

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