Italy 24 Press News

No incentives and Covid bonus for staff, state of agitation at Sanitaservice Foggia and Casa Sollievo

Moffers incentives and no Covid bonuses for employees. Unions and politicians denounce what is happening in Sanitaservice Foggia and at the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza hospital in San Giovanni Rotondo.

“We believe in the value of the promises and commitments made. This is why we can no longer accept yet another slap suffered by the Foggia Sanitaservice operators who are still waiting to receive the Covid premiums in their entirety – they declare in a note Giuseppe Mestosecretary of UGL Salute Puglia e Lorenzo Pellecchia, provincial secretary of Foggia -. For this reason we called for workers’ unrest, requesting an attempt at conciliation through the setting up of a meeting. Our warning to comply, sent last May 22nd, was not responded to and the silence on the part of the institutions is almost offensive towards those who, in the days of the emergency, stood out for their professionalism, dedication and generosity. We ask that the amounts due to the operators be paid in a very short time. In the absence of positive feedback, UGL Salute is ready to take any initiative to protect the rights and dignity of the professionals involved”.

Similar situation in the San Pio hospital. “The Human Resources Department has communicated to the trade unions that the balance of the incentives for the workers of Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza will not be paid in the next paycheck – says the regional councilor Napoleon Wax – . This decision, which came after the failure to pay the COVID premium, represents yet another slap in the face to those who, every day, dedicate themselves with commitment and sacrifice to the care of patients. The climate of unfavorability and frustration among the hospital’s healthcare workers is palpable. These professionals, who have faced and continue to face the health emergency with dedication and professionalism, now find themselves having to deal with the lack of economic recognition of their commitment. We strongly denounce this situation and ask for an immediate about-face by the hospital administration. We are waiting for answers – he concludes -, but we are ready to take all the necessary actions to protect the rights and dignity of the healthcare workers of Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza”.

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