Italy 24 Press News

Monsignor Lanza and the relevance of his Letter on the South

On Tuesday 11 June 2024, the conference entitled “A Fundamental Document for Southern Italy: Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Antonio Lanza” will be held in the “Archbishop Giovanni Ferro” Hall of the Archdiocese of Reggio Calabria.

The relevance of Monsignor Lanza’s contribution

The event, organized by the Association “New Humanism” in collaboration with theArchdiocese of Reggio Calabria – BovaThe Ecclesial Movement of Cultural Commitment of Reggio Calabria (MEIC), the “Don Domenico Farias” Archbishop’s Library and theDiocesan historical archive of Reggio Calabria – Bova, will be an opportunity to delve deeper into the meaning and impact of the pastoral letter written immediately after the Second World War, on 25 January 1948, by Archbishop Antonio Lanza, guide and pastor of the Church of Pauline foundation over the years 1943-1950.

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The conference will begin at 5pm with greetings and a welcome from Monsignor Fortunato Morrone, metropolitan archbishop of Reggio Calabria – Bova. The President of the “New Humanism” Association will introduce the works, Carmelina Sicari.

Among the speakers, Antonio Morabitoformer student of the Almo Collegio Capranica, and Antonino Piazzarepresentative of the Ecclesial Movement of Cultural Commitment of Reggio Calabria (MEIC), will offer insights and reflections on the pastoral document.

Interventions from the public are also expected, the final reflections will be entrusted to Monsignor Pietro SergiEpiscopal Vicar for Culture.

TO KNOW MORE: From the archives of Avvenire di Calabria: «The attempt to “yoke” the South» (1947)

The pastoral letter of which Archbishop Antonio Lanza wrote, written in the difficult and troubled post-war period, still represents today a testimony of commitment and hope for the redemption of Southern Italy. A topic that is still current.

The “history” of the Pastoral Letter on the South written by Bishop Lanza

The name of Monsignor Lanza is not only linked to the history of our newspaper “The Future of Calabria” founded by him, is also linked to Collective letter from the episcopate of Southern Italy on the problems of the South, published January 25, 1948 and of which he is the author.

Submitted to the attention of the other bishops, it is endorsed by the entire Calabrian Episcopal Conference and also sees the support of Cardinal Alessio Ascalesi, archbishop of Naples. The pastoral letter is published in a very delicate period for Italian political and social life and examines the main problems of the country, analyzing them in the light of the social doctrine of the Church.

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The document focuses in particular on the problems of the South and its religious and social situation, with strong denunciations of the distortions of religious practices, the poor conditions of workers, and the persistence of large estates.

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