Italy 24 Press News

Tivoli, stalker stalks ex despite the electronic bracelet: in handcuffs

On the evening of June 2nd, a Guidonia Montecelio, a stone’s throw from Tivolithe policemen of Commissariat of the State Police Detachment of “Tivoli-Guidonia” have arrestedSM, aged 52, from Tivoli.

For being ‘pinched’ in flagrancy deferred violation of the prohibition approach with “electronic bracelet” to the places frequented by her former mate. Prohibition set at 500 metres. As well as for having opposed one violent resistence to the Agents intervened For arrestarlo, after the umpteenth time violation.

In Tivoli, a 52-year-old stalker stalks his ex despite the bracelet

TO following Of alarm arrived at the Hall Operational of the Police Headquarters Rome from the antistalking device of the former partner of SM.. The police verified that for the umpteenth time the man had entered the area exclusion foreseen by measure restrictive. And that, therefore, he had crossed the limit of 500 meters distance imposed lately by the Judge of the Court of Tivoli.

Arrest in flagrante delicto: the prison doors open

The investigations carried out immediately by agents intervened they allowed to rebuild them dynamics of what happened. In the story the victimstill shaken, reported to the investigators to have been attacked by man and that, despite the difficultyshe had managed to escape at violence.

The agents of Commissariats Of Tivoli-Guidonia and Sant’Ippolito shortly afterwards managed to track down the man at his house home. Here the 52 year old, in a clear state of alteration psycho-physicshe objected violently to the policemen who arrested him red-handed “deferred”. The accusation? acts persecutors And resistence to the public official.

SM had already been arrested on March 30, 2024 by the Agents of the Commissariat Tiburtinofor intruding in the home of his ex mate against his will. Attacking her And putting them the hands on neck in presence of minor children.

On that occasion after the validation of the GIP of the Court of Tivoli, had been put back in freedom with the application, precisely, of precautionary measure of the prohibition Of approach to the victim. Violated several times enough to be violated again arrested in flagrancy on May 13th.

The latter arrest of 2 June therefore reaches the culmination of a long series of conduct which they clearly highlight there danger by MS. At the end of the ritual formalities, he was conducted in prison.

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