Italy 24 Press News

Power, the advantages of artificial intelligence: the event to discuss it

We will talk about artificial intelligence and digitalisation and its implications in corporate bargaining to the conference promoted by the national Fim Cisl which will be held at the Park Hotel in Potenza, Tuesday 11 June, starting from 9:00.

The discussion – moderated by the health, safety and environment manager of the national Fim Cisl Antonello Gisotti – will start from the reading of the data emerged from a questionnaire distributed in recent days to workers of the main metalworking companies in the region to understand how the ongoing digital transition is experienced within the factories.

After the greetings of the general secretaries of the CISL and the Fim CISL Basilicata, respectively Vincenzo Cavallo and Gerardo Evangelista, the program includes three interventions:

  • Cinzia Frascheri, labor law expert and health and safety manager of the national CISL, will talk about the opportunities and necessary protections to manage change;
  • Angelo Giuliana, general director of the Meditech Competence Center in Naples, will focus on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence;
  • finally, Domenico Rotondi, senior researcher at Grifo Multimedia Srl, will talk about the AI ​​Act and artificial intelligence in the edutech world. Followed by debate and discussion with the audience. The works will be concluded by the national secretary of the Fim Cisl Valerio D’Alò.

D’Alò explains:

“As Fim Cisl we have been pioneers in the desire to prepare our delegates to negotiate transitions in the workplace by bringing ESG indicators into the renewals of company contracts.

Performance bonuses, investments, sustainability reports are topics which, thanks to participation, can determine the future of companies and the fate of the workers who work there.

Ours will be no less important capacity for contractual intervention on the use of artificial intelligence to exploit its potential and limit risks to protect people.

We will talk about it in Basilicata from which we will start a path that will see us as protagonists in raising awareness and training of RSU and RLS in the workplace”.

Adds the regional secretary of the Fim Cisl, Gerardo Evangelista:

“We are proud to host an event in Basilicata that projects us into the future but keeping our feet firmly in the present.

Right there Basilicata represents a laboratory of innovation at a national level with the presence of many industrial realities, starting from Stellantis, who have chosen to face the challenge of change and the opportunities of digitalisation.

These are complex processes which, compared to the past, have exponential trends and must therefore be governed with new rules and institutions to ensure that the advantages of new technologies such as artificial intelligence are for everyone and not just for a few“.

Below is the poster with the details.

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