Italy 24 Press News

“In Florence they are missing for the possible run-off”

One hundred and thirty polling station presidents and 750 scrutineers out of 1474. They would be the ones who were suddenly missing from the roll call, according to what the newspaper reports The nationfor the elections tomorrow and Sunday in Florence.

A replacement to be found – and which would appear to have been found or almost so – by the end of the day to set up the 375 electoral sections, including those defined as special, of the Municipality. The problem had arisen in recent days.

“But by launching an appeal on social media, many responded and we are not worried about the 8th and 9th – said Jacopo Giannesi, director of the electoral demographic office at La Nazione – the problem at the moment is with the run-off”.

In fact, many Florentines would have given availability to work on the first shift but not on the 23rd and 24th. “Why? It is San Giovanni, patron saint of the city” underlined Giannesi, with the Florentines who would like to keep themselves free for the ‘fires’. Of course, that’s not the only reason. Also acting as a ‘deterrent’ is the compensation not considered particularly attractive: 188 euros for the scrutineers and 246.50 for the polling station presidents, another reason why one in two Florentines would have answered no to the call.

While the municipal offices still have this problem to solve – for which there is however optimism – the ballot papers for the vote will arrive at 5am on June 8th on trucks escorted by the municipality. Then, after endorsement and validation, the 375 sections will be opened to allow voting.

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