Italy 24 Press News

Bologna weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 8 June


The forecast for Saturday 8 June a Bologna indicate variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, sky with scattered clouds and cloud cover that will settle around the 30%. Temperatures will be mild, with values ​​hovering around +20°C. The wind will blow by West – North West at a speed of approx 7km/h.

In the afternoon, cloud cover will increase until 50%, with partially overcast skies. Temperatures will rise slightly, with values ​​around +28°C. The wind will always be coming from North East with a speed of approx 9km/h.

In the evening, the sky will become further overcast, reaching 100% of cloud cover. Temperatures will drop slightly, settling at around +20°C. The wind will continue to come from South – South West with a speed of approx 8km/h.

In general, Saturday in Bologna will present itself with a variation in weather conditions during the day, with an increase in cloud cover in the afternoon and evening. However, temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​remaining around +20-28°C. The wind will be light breeze coming from different directions.

The weather forecast for the next few days in Bologna they indicate a trend of instability, with possible precipitation and increased cloud cover. It is advisable to stay updated on the weather forecast for any sudden changes in weather conditions.

All the weather data for Saturday 8 June in Bologna

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