Italy 24 Press News

Rome, at the Visconti high school the graduates hang up in the classroom the “list of conquests” with whom they have had relationships

OfErica Dellapasqua

Shock in the Roman high school first in the Eduscopio rankings. The discovery of the professor, the assembly to apologize. The students: «Aberrant». The principal: «Measures for the students involved»

A sheet hanging on wallwith a list of names feminine which came constantly replenished, updated daily. She became longer and longer and so, one morning, an attentive teacher asked for explanations. «What it’s about?”, he asked the students of the class in which the piece of paper had appeared. The answer left everyone speechless stunned.

It was, the high school students of Visconti soon admitted, the first classic of the Capital according to the rankings Eduscope and positioned in the heart of the capital, a few hundred meters from the political buildings, a sort of «list of achievements» which reported who – among the girls at the school – had granted you kiss, effusions or had intimate relationships with the authors of the list, students Of fifth who are therefore preparing to face Maturity.

In short, one list Of students which had somehow lent themselves to more attitudes intimate of a “hello”, unaware that their name would end exposed publicly on walls of the school. One exploded ruckus.

The “List of Conquests”

The prof immediately reported what happened to principal. But, in the meantime, among the classes and in the feminist collectives who immediately asked for a encounter in great hall to discuss the case, the controversy had mounted.

«The Visconti high school was the scene of a serious thing happened – they have reported the boys of the collective as well social -, which should not go unnoticed not only because aberrant event happened within the walls of our school but also as a phenomenon that reflects the mechanisms of one male chauvinist mentality rooted in our society which often leads children to commit similar actions with impunity. On the list – continue the members of the “Visconti in pink” collective – the boys have arbitrarily made explicitand alongside theirs, the names of the girls with whom they had spoken private relationshipsa serious lack of respect for the girls involved but the fact that the boys felt free to expose a list like this highlights the lack of awareness of the seriousness of the act and the presumption of legitimacy in carrying it out: abominable”.

The girls’ assembly

After the assembly, and with the mediation of the adults, principal and teachers, the responsible students would have apologized, they would have said repent and ready to take on the responsibility of the gesture. Any sanctions are now being examined by the school. But the case is now open, and he souls – even the families of the girls “registered” on the list – are upset.

The principal: «Measures»

The principal, Rita Pappalardo, says that «we are all left affected from what happened: some of the boys involved participated in the second part of the assembly, after the girls had confronted each other, and apologised.” «Of course the school – continues Pappalardo – will take measures: tomorrow (June 6th, ed.) there will be the class council and at that time, based on the disciplinary regulations, we will evaluate how to proceed: my concern also concerns the educational plan, we need to re-establish aemotional education which, especially after the pandemicthe kids seem to have lost».

The fact that these are fifth year students, in their last year, excludes initiatives as there have been in the past, voluntary actions or activities in favor of the school, considering that the children are close to leaving the institute. It is more likely that the measure will therefore go to effect affect on votesstarting from “conduct».

The other controversies

It’s not the first time that the high school «in» of the Capital ends at the center of the controversies, for example for damage to structures during occupations. Years ago, the storm had instead broken out due to the presentation of the school on the portal of the Ministry of Education, when the former principal wrote “here upper-middle class and without disabled people”, then explaining: “We are in the center of Rome, not in Tor Bella Monaca, it is a fact of which we cannot be ashamed.” On this, however, Pappalardo wants to reiterate the school’s commitment to inclusion, recalling that finally, after years, a access ramp For disabled and therefore some barriers have been broken down.

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June 5, 2024 (changed June 6, 2024 | 2:06 pm)


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