Italy 24 Press News

there is a team in the balance

Here is the situation after the application deadline for the championships. Milan can hope to play in Serie C: the point

These are days of waiting at home Milan. The Rossoneri club will soon know whether the project Under 23 will it really take off or will everything fail. The club has prepared a bit of everything: from the choice of the Sports Director, Jovan Kirovski, to that of the coach, Daniele Bonera.

Milan Under 23: waiting for the repechage –

It’s easy to imagine then that many players of the Spring, compare themselves with the championship of Serie C, thus forming the core of the team. As mentioned, therefore, everything is ready to repeat what was done previously by Juventus And Atalanta. It is clearly necessary that some teams are not in compliance with the registration, so that there is space for the Milan. The deadline for applications for the championships expired at midnight yesterday. The situation is certainly calmer than in previous years.

In B series there are no problems and also in Serie C everything seems quite peaceful, but in the last few hours a position has emerged that needs to be monitored extremely carefully, that of Ancora. The club has deposited all the documentation, including the guarantees, but there is a problem: the people of the Marche region, in fact, would not have made salary payments until April. There is no optimism at all in the city at the moment. For 425 thousand euros, therefore, Ancona risks being excluded from the Serie C championship. Now the ball goes to Covisoc, which will analyze the demand of the Marche team as well as that of the other 59 clubs. We’ll know more in a week.

Registration for Milan U23 in Serie C, how it works and what the regulations say

The regulations for the repechage have not yet been published, but based on what has happened in past years, the Milan would have priority, then it would be up to Recanati or Fiorenzuola. Further back, then, here is the Syracuse, who won the Serie D playoffs.

Milan, waiting for registration in Serie C (LaPresse) –

The fact that theAncona submitted the application for registration, gave more hope to the Milan, but we will have to wait because then we will almost certainly see the various appeals. Inevitably, therefore, the final green light will arrive at the end of July, but we will already understand in June whether the Milan has the possibility of hoping for a repechage. Finally, the lawyer underlines Happy Raymond which cannot be ruled out that “the fisheries are in turn rejected by Covisoc, we must wait regardless for the control body which must verify the cards of all the clubs. Those financial requirements must be met every year, the repayments do not have preferential treatment“. There is in fact the precedent Atalantaregistered in Pro League only at the beginning of August.

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