Italy 24 Press News

Monza, big celebration in the Duomo for the 210th anniversary of the Carabinieri

This evening, the majestic Cathedral Square in Monza it will be transformed into a stage of honor and memory, hosting the celebration of 210th Annual Foundation of the Carabinieri. An event that not only celebrates the illustrious history of this institution, but also renews the deep bond that unites the Carabinieri to the community. The day of commemoration began at dawn, with a solemn and meaningful gesture. The Provincial Commander, Colonel Gangi Rosarytogether with the Provincial Coordinator of the National Carabinieri Association (ANC), Vito Potenza, placed a wreath in honor of the Fallen at the foot of the stele of the Provincial Command in via Volturno. A touching tribute that brought back memories of the sacrifice of those who, with courage and self-sacrifice, gave their lives for safety and justice.

The celebrations continued with an exhibition in Piazza Romaopen at school groups of the city. From 7.30am to 1.30pm, students of all ages had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the history and activities of the Army, thus combining learning with commemoration. This event crowned an intense school year, during which the project of “Culture of Legality” has reached further 12,150 students through 145 meetings at 105 institutionswith 11 visits to Carabinieri departments.

The evening promises to be equally exciting. Starting from 5.30pm, Piazza Duomo will welcome a training company composed of the various components of the territorial army and the special departments operating in the province. In the presence of civil, military and religious authorities, the ceremony will be an opportunity for citizens to symbolically and physically get closer to the Carabinieri, sharing this important anniversary with them.

Every day, the Carabinieri carry out their service with dedication, guaranteeing public and private safety, intervening promptly to prevent and combat illegal phenomena, and maintaining a constant dialogue with citizens. The role of the Carabiniere is in fact a ca combination of social mission and technical competence. Behind every uniform, there is a person ready to put their life on the line for the good of others. This spirit of service is what fuels the relationship of trust between the force and the population, a bond built on shared values ​​and mutual respect.


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