Italy 24 Press News

Terni: all winners of the 30th ‘Mathesis’ mathematics competition awarded

04 Jun 2024 10.44pm


The awards ceremony for the 30th edition of the mathematics competition organized by the Mathesis association of Terni was held on Tuesday afternoon at the BCT. «First of all, the students who won the two sections of the ‘Create graphics for the award ceremony’ competition were awarded – explain the organizers – by developing the poster (work of a group of 4th year students of the higher education institution Gandhi’ of Narni Scalo) and the background for the certificates (by Michele Russi of the 2nd D of the ‘A. Vera’ secondary school of Amelia). The prizes for this competition, respectively 300 euros for the poster and 200 euros for the certificate, were offered by the Carit Foundation and delivered by Professor Luciana Leonelli, representing the president.”

We then moved on to discover the rankings of the three categories of the race (ALL THE NAMES HERE .PDF) and to reward the best ten students of each. The San Valentino Lions Club – president Mauro De Angelis present – offered cash prizes for the second and third place winners, in addition to the books and pens with keys that all the winners received, and the cash prize for the school of every winner. The cash prize for the winner of each category was offered by the Carit Foundation. The top three also received dictionaries offered by Cedium.

Below are the winners: lower secondary school, Giulia Sergi from the Orvieto-Montecchio comprehensive institute; two years of secondary school, Lorenzo Zanella of the ‘Galilei’ scientific high school in Terni; three-year secondary school course, Gioele Bonifazi of the IIS ‘Gandhi’ of Narni.

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