Italy 24 Press News

Taranto in last place for quality of life among European cities: the results of the survey – Pugliapress

The Ionian City closes the ranking, topped by Trento: a wake-up call for the future

Taranto in last place for Quality of Life among European cities

A worrying fact that emerges from the survey conducted by the European Commission with the contribution of ISTAT.

This report examines various aspects of daily life, such as healthcare, transport, safety and schools, offering a complete picture of the perception of quality of life in 85 cities, of which 26 are Italian and 59 are in the European Union.

A general picture and European comparison

At the top of the ranking we find Trento, which shines with a high approval rating of over 90%, followed by other Italian cities such as Trieste, Cagliari, Bergamo, Brescia and Bolzano. In Europe, similar levels of satisfaction are found in the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium.

Even cities such as Perugia, Florence, Milan, Genoa, Pescara, Turin and Bari, with indices between 81.3% and 87%, maintain good positions, comparable to cities such as Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Budapest and Brussels.

Italian cities in difficulty

However, several Italian cities suffer from a low quality of life index, including Venice, Sassari, Rome, Messina, Naples, Palermo, Catania and Reggio Calabria, all below 81.3%.

At the bottom of the Italian ranking, Taranto represents the bottom of the list.

Taranto: An alarm for the future

The most worrying data emerges for the city of Taranto, which ranks last among European cities.

This result highlights profound critical issues that require immediate attention.

The Ionian city, despite its potential and its rich cultural and natural heritage, suffers from structural problems that compromise its liveability.

Transport and public services: The critical points

The survey shows that the greatest satisfaction among European citizens is linked to the efficiency of public transport.

Cities such as Prague, Bucharest, Warsaw, Paris, Stockholm and Stuttgart record high levels of satisfaction with trains, buses and subways.

On the contrary, in Taranto, the lack and inefficiency of public transport represents a significant weakness.


The ISTAT report raises an alarm bell for Taranto, highlighting the need for structural interventions to improve the quality of life.

The city faces complex challenges, but with a strategic vision and targeted interventions, it can get back on track.

Taranto in last place for quality of life among European cities is not just a statistical fact, but a warning for institutions and citizens to commit to a better future.

The objective must be to transform critical issues into opportunities, investing in infrastructure, public services and in the valorisation of local resources to restore hope and dignity to the Ionian city.

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