Italy 24 Press News

“In Civitavecchia focus on tax crimes” • Terzo Binario News

The magistrate’s speech in room B of the Civitavecchia court, in front of colleagues, mayors and lay and religious representatives: “I will be the tenth prosecutor of via Terme di Traiano”

The new public prosecutor of Civitavecchia Alberto Liguori took office this morning.

Having left the judicial office in Terni last Friday, today the ceremony took place in room B of the Civitavecchia court. His speech was sober in front of colleagues, mayors and lay and religious leaders who crowded the room.

Some interesting points were touched on: “We will do teamwork in Civitavecchia, with the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court respecting their roles. The prosecutor supports the state’s accusation, he does not win or lose the trials. Let’s do justice with the lawyers in this courtroom, where politically relevant facts will be left out, not legally relevant ones.”

Liguori took a look at the relationship with the press: “The Cartabia law must be observed, the exclusive responsibility with the press lies with the Prosecutor and it is a delicate task. From now on I say no to gossip.

The only employer for me is the Italian Constitution and legislation. I am against two years of vacation for a power of attorney, and I never improve other people’s work, if anything I complete it. The one started years ago with Vardaro and continued by Gentile.
In the area of ​​responsibility of the Prosecutor’s Office there are 13 municipalities for 400 thousand inhabitants, with 8 thousand new complaints per year. Ten officers work and I am one of the ten.”

Other topics touched on: rapid times for the criminal records, (“by listening to the forensic world we will do less damage”), the chief prosecutor took “obtained” information on the flood of drugs, false documents, tobacco and contraband of important brands and thefts consumed at Fiumicino airport that affect the area”.

“Focus on Pnrr resources focus chasing scams: failures yes but no run-up to consummated bankruptcy. Attention to local medicine, food, healthcare and workplace hygiene. Then we will all go to school, including me, for professional development.”

This is the full text of his inauguration speech:

“Today I have the honor of taking up residence in one of the most important offices in Lazio and I feel the weight of the responsibilities that I am called to take on and it comforts me to know that I can rely on the closeness of local, religious, civil and military institutions and on the collaboration of citizens of this territory, which I will serve with honor and respect.

I address, in particular, the 13 Mayors of our district, true heroes and guarantors of the good performance of public affairs, to whom I will guarantee respect and limit invasions as much as possible, except for any encroachment into the criminal sector entrusted to my care.

Heartfelt thanks to the press, a free and independent voice and vehicle for promoting citizens’ constitutional freedoms.

I remember, with Guido Calabrese, that the trial does not have the task of solving social problems or imparting moral lessons. His job consists in solving the specific problem submitted to his judgment. Indro Montanelli said “a good judge is a good judge when he does not forget that he is a man. Man must be understood, even before being judged”. These ethical rules also apply to the good journalist who, in my opinion, must be more interested in the motive for the crime and less in the identity of the perpetrator of a crime, careful not to invade his constitutional right to privacy.

The missions I set myself:

1) the separation of powers and respect for the related missions. To the Legislator the care of citizens’ needs and the absolute freedom of regulatory choices to guarantee them; to the executive power the translation of legislative choices into effective rights; to the judicial power the sanction for the suppression and compression of the constitutional rights of citizens undermined in concrete cases;

2) the judicial mission. Almost two years after the vacancy of the position of Prosecutor, my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Vardaro for the excellent work done in the past and to the Regent Prosecutor, Dr. Gentile, continuing, for having guaranteed quantity and quality to the demand for criminal justice in certainly not favorable conditions. The forces in place to govern almost 8,000 criminal cases per year are entrusted to 10 professional magistrates and 9 honorary magistrates. Governing the right to fair and rapid criminal justice for almost 400,000 residents, excluding travelers who reach our territory by air and sea, will not be a simple task and in any case, first and foremost, respect for users’ rights, from the request of the criminal records to the right to criminal information for all parties to the trial. Respect for the right of defence, in the expectation that we will soon see its inclusion in the Lawyer’s Constitution, with Discovery anticipating the trial papers as much as possible to make the rights of the clients effective as required by the articles. 24 and 111 of the Constitution;

3) the investigative mission. The main objective I set myself is to obtain the sentence issued in the name of the Italian people through the constitutional method of fair trial. The strategic investigative objectives, observing the new criminal markets, will be the following sectors: a) the criminal aspects of investments from PNRR resources in collaboration with OLAF and EPPO;

b) the tax sector chasing borrowers who do business without paying labor costs and taxes to the Treasury, creating a system of unfair competition to the detriment of the vast majority of honest entrepreneurs in this area;

c) the sector of bankruptcy, workplace safety, food and environmental safety. The legislative and regulatory tools to face the new challenges are entrusted to the construction site of the reforms under discussion in Parliament: I will not talk about the Nordio constitutional bill because as a state servant I will observe the laws that my sole employer will tell me to observe.

Differently, for the DDI for criminal trial reform I am talking about it as it is of a technical and not political nature. 1) Wiretapping is an indispensable working tool that must be handled with extreme caution for the constitutional rights of privacy of the parties to the proceedings and the third parties involved: to date we only publish conversations cleared by the parties of the trial of those that are irrelevant and harmful to rights; tomorrow, we will publish those used by the judge in his ruling. The limit is the inclusion of all conversations, even those not used, in the trial file. Perhaps it would be better to publish the conversations used by the judge and those filtered by the parties, the rest must be destroyed; 2) the preventive interrogation of the suspect on the occasion of the issuance of a precautionary order unless there is a danger of escape and evidence pollution and proceedings are being carried out for mafia and code red crimes. In short, due to the danger of repeating the crime, first the interrogation to have an alternative reading to that of the prosecutor. I agree with the choice because it respects the constitutional rights of the parties, making the role of the lawyer effective and equal; 3) the limits to the PM’s appeal I half agree with the choice: I am in favor of the non-appealability of the crimes indicated in the first paragraph of the art. 550 cpp, not so for those in the second paragraph, due to the high severity they aim to sanction. Yes, think of the violence, resistance to a public official, aggravated brawls, aggravated thefts and receiving stolen goods.

It was said at the beginning that the magistrate’s task is to combat the violation of the citizen’s constitutional freedoms. Democracy, rights gained and equality are not a photograph to be admired but are a film, in which we are all protagonists.

The happy ending depends only on how we know how to interpret our part.”

The Public Prosecutor Alberto Liguori

Published Tuesday, June 4, 2024 @ 18:44:31 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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