Italy 24 Press News

Lombardy, Pd “Region must resolve disparities on law 194”

MILAN (ITALPRESS) – “The application of law 194 on voluntary termination of pregnancy in Lombardy, despite some small progress thanks also to our work of monitoring and reporting critical situations, still presents shortcomings and inhomogeneities, even serious ones, in access to performance and the possibility of deciding on the procedure. An imminent danger: the presence of pro-lifers in public clinics who risk heavily interfering with the work of operators and hindering and limiting women’s freedom of choice should arise during the application of a consolidated law”. It is the summary of the interventions of Paola Bocci and Pierfrancesco Majorino, regional councilor and group leader of the Democratic Party, who this morning, at Palazzo Pirelli, presented the annual survey of the Dems on the application of the 194 in Lombardy. “Our secretary Elly Schlein, in the square in Milan, said that the Meloni Government has done nothing regarding healthcare, other than supporting and helping pro-lifers. The Lombardy region risks becoming the story of all this. And the facts say so : zero initiatives for the Lombardy social and health service, to address the issue of waiting lists, to support the development of public health apart from a few exotic trips by councilor Bertolaso.

On the contrary, we are witnessing a significant opening of credit towards pro-lifers which has already manifested itself with a recent motion in the regional council. The important and timely work we do every year fits into this framework and which incredibly is not carried out by the Region, where we will need a real permanent observatory on the 194. For this reason we will collect, even anonymously, reports of interference by the professionals lives that can occur in hospitals and clinics, and we are available to operators and women who live them”, Majorino specified. Councilor Bocci has the task of illustrating the data collected “which have helped us to compose a picture, which we do for 10 years. The national report of the Ministry of Health reports data that is not updated (the one presented in October 2023 reported the data for 2021) and is not broken down by province which does not allow us to understand the specific critical issues of the individual provinces and the individual hospital, the differences between the capital and the territory , acting promptly to correct them. For this reason the Region should itself monitor, have everything under control and intervene as an institution to guarantee the right to service everywhere”. From the PD’s investigation it emerges that “while it is clear that the application of the law, combined with the activity of information and awareness in clinics, has led to a clear decrease in IVGs, going from 37 thousand IVGs in Lombardy in 1982 to 11 thousand in 2023. Deficiencies and inhomogeneities remain in our region, both in terms of access and choice of method. In fact, large disparities remain between provinces and hospital structures, because there are facilities where we still have 100 percent objection or where RU486 is not administered”, underlines Bocci. “For this reason, we reiterate and expand the requests which, as Regional group of the Democratic Party, we have been doing for years at the Region: an observatory must be created on the implementation of 194 with details by province and structures. Clear, widespread and accessible information must be offered in various languages ​​on IVG, in particular on RU486, involving general practitioners, clinics, community homes and clinics, which must be able to operate without interference from health care centres. life. The Region must give clear and binding directives to the Asst, both to ensure that Lombard women receive Ivg in all its provisions, even in the event of 100% objection, and to rebalance the performance of the staff, respecting the multidisciplinarity of the profession. Furthermore, the Region must formally request healthcare companies that both services be provided in all public hospital facilities, encouraging the use of RU486, and strengthen public clinics so that the provision of pharmacology also takes place in these territorial facilities. Finally, we reiterate the need for post-IVG contraceptives, but not only, to be offered free of charge to those who request them, in particular to minors and fragile people”, concluded Bocci. (ITALPRESS). Photo: Pd Lombardia press office trl/com 04 -Jun-24 5.25pm ​​.

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