Italy 24 Press News

Drug alarm in Terni, 12 kg seized in one year by the police alone. Gender violence is increasing

In one year in the Ternano area almost 12 kilos of drugs were seized by the police alone. The alarm remains high in the city. Gender-based violence is also a worrying situation with an increase in crimes under the new ‘Red Code’. The cross-section emerges from the budget of the Carabinieri, provincial command of Terni; on the occasion of the 210th anniversary of the foundation the military announced the balance of the last year’s activities. Focus also on thefts, robberies, ‘illegal’ work and work in other sectors.

Drugs and gender violence 36 people were arrested and 87 were reported in a state of freedom to the Public Prosecutor’s Office as part of the activities to combat trafficking and dealing of narcotic substances by the Carabinieri in the Ternano area. However, 189 hirers were reported to the Prefecture for administrative measures in the case. In total, almost 12 kilos of drugs of various types were seized: approximately 5,000 grams of cocaine, 5,600 grams of hashish, 1,160 grams of marijuana, plus other substances, including the so-called ‘pink cocaine’, seized for the first time in Umbria . As regards gender violence, however, in the last year – the Carabinieri says – there has been an overall increase in crimes prosecuted under the so-called ‘Red Code’. The military also pays great attention to wear and tear.

Pharmaceutical and food counterfeits Over the past year, however, the Perugia Anti-adulteration and Health Unit has carried out 170 checks in the Province of Terni in various sectors (food and ethnic products, fishery products, socio-health structures, kennels and catteries, the alcohol, wine and olive oil, school canteens and catering, the meat, dairy, bakery and confectionery products supply chain), reporting 41 criminal violations, with 24 people reported in a state of freedom. Fifty-six administrative complaints in this area, 27 people reported, for a total amount of fines of 46,495 euros. Three structures and numerous products with a total value of 833,299 euros were also seized.

Protection of cultural heritage The Unit for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Perugia, which uses a database capable of scanning the web in search of fraudulently marketed works of art, reported four people in the province of Terni, carrying out 28 checks on archaeological areas or areas protected by landscape/monumental restrictions and on antique shops and fairs as well as recovered two archaeological finds; Furthermore, very recent is the recovery and subsequent return to the respective communities of the precious ‘Altarpiece’, a triptych in tempera and gold depicting the Madonna and Child, S. John the Baptist and S. Antonio Abate in Arrone and of a ‘precious 16th century manuscript in Jupiter.

Work The Labor Inspectorate Unit carried out 99 inspections, checking 418 work positions. The checks revealed 46 ‘illegal’ occupations, 32 irregular workers and 10 illegal immigrants, with 14 criminal complaints. 33 business suspension measures were adopted for controlled activities, sanctioning violators with administrative charges for a total of 73,245 euros. To these must be added the 38 people reported as part of checks on workplace safety, with high fines of over 84,000.00 euros.

Environmental protection, ecological transition and biodiversity The Terni Forestry Carabinieri Group reported 66 people to the judicial authority, raising administrative charges for a total value of over 190,000.00 euros, carrying out 11 criminal seizures and sanctioning 586 people with administrative measures, as part of over 17 thousand concentrated checks in the various sectors of expertise. The Ecological Operations Unit of Perugia, which concentrates its efforts on the most detailed and complex investigation activities, with particular attention to the illicit trafficking of special waste and greenwashing activities by companies, carried out 42 checks, reporting to the authority judicial 23 people.

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