Italy 24 Press News

The “Matera 2 July, the World in the Party” initiative has only cultural and educational purposes

There are always those who grieve in trouble and perhaps try to put their hat on initiatives promoted by others. This is what must have happened around the initiative “Matera 2 July, the World in the Party” which we gave an account of in a previous article by Franco Martina ( materani-nel-mondo/) to the point of requesting the dissemination of a press release with clarifications by the three companies that gave life to the project: Jogo Media, Quadrum and Rvm Broadcast which we publish below. “Matera 2 July, the World in the Party” – we read in the note – it is an editorial initiative resulting exclusively from the collaboration of three companies in the city (Jogo Media, Quadrum and Rvm Broadcast) through the web newspaper Basilicata Media. A week after the presentation of the video format that will tell the story of Bruna to the communities of Matera, and more generally Lucanians, in the world, this explicit clarification becomes appropriate following the spread of uncontrolled rumors that different people are leading this operation by the shareholders of the aforementioned companies. This is absolutely to be denied, since it is an initiative that was born at an entrepreneurial level to launch, as explained to the Press, a broader project which is the first website dedicated to Lucanians in the world. “Matera 2 July, the World in the Party” has no other purposes than informative, cultural and informative and – obviously – entrepreneurial ones, carried out with the collaboration of the associations that took part in the presentation press conference, without any ownership or interference in the editorial work carried out by the director, the authors and the team who – in harmony and with great enthusiasm – are working on the format, which will be online from June 17th.” The companies Jogo Media, Quadrum, Rvm Broadcast.

Is the July 2nd celebration here? With a format “present” also the people of Matera in the world

Registered in the register of journalists of Basilicata.

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