Italy 24 Press News

“Rizomatica” exhibition, in Matera the screening of the film “Il Buco” by Michelangelo Frammartino and the start of the artistic residency of Studio Andreco in the Serra district Friday

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 3 June 2024

(AGENPARL) – Mon 03 June 2024 “Rizomatica” exhibition, in Matera the screening of the film “Il Buco” by Michelangelo Frammartino and the start of the artistic residency of Studio Andreco in the Serra district Friday
After the stops in Moliterno, the exhibition of arts and the environment “Rizomatica. New forms of coexistence”, organized by the Matera Basilicata 2019 Foundation and curated by Imma Tralli and Roberto Pontecorvo of Marea Art Project, with the patronage of the Municipalities of Matera, Moliterno and Pisticci, scheduled between April and June in Matera, Moliterno (PZ) and Pisticci (MT).
On June 5, on the occasion of World Environment Day, the film “Il Buco” (2021) by Michelangelo Frammartino, Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival, will be shown at 8:00 pm in Piazza Cesare Firrao. While in the prosperous north of Italy the tallest building in Europe was built during the economic boom of the 1960s, at the other end of the country in August 1961 a group of young speleologists visited the Calabrian plateau and its uncontaminated hinterland plunging into the subsoil of a South that everyone is abandoning. Thus they discover, with its 700 meters of depth, one of the deepest caves in the world, the Bifurto Abyss on the Pollino plateau, under the gaze of an old shepherd, the only witness of the uncontaminated territory.
From 1 to 15 June the Serra Friday neighborhood will host the artistic residency “OASI. A Green Classroom in Matera”. Through a co-creation project led by the artist Andrea Conte, aka Andreco, in collaboration with Noi Ortadini APS, an intervention inspired by the Green Room will be created within a strategic space of the vegetable gardens managed by the association ( Tree Room), a project born within the Climate Art Project which merges art, science and climate justice. For the Green Room, an installation will be built in dialogue with the vegetation present, using the structures of the Open Design School of Matera 2019, which will create a space for rest, used for socializing, aggregation and environmental education. This structure will make it possible to lengthen the times of stay and exchange between people and the ecosystem.
The inhabitants of the neighborhood will be able to take an active part in the organization of the space through a collective action which also includes the planting of new trees and shrubs, with the aim of involving future users of the place in its creation and future maintenance. Furthermore, with this in mind, workshops will be organized for children and adults at the LUC – Laboratorio Urban Center which aim to raise awareness of wild herbs and the potential they also offer from a creative point of view. On June 8th at 6pm at the LUC there will also be a public talk with the artist on the relationship between art and the environment. The residency will end with the inauguration of the Green Room, open to the entire community.
Born in Milan to Calabrian parents, Michelangelo Frammartino is among the most important directors of contemporary Italian cinema. He made his debut on the big screen with the feature film The Gift (2003), presented at the Locarno International Film Festival, followed by The Four Times (2010) which immediately attracted the attention of the public and critics in the context of the Quinzaine des realisateurs of the Locarno Film Festival. Cannes. In 2021 he presented Il buco at the Venice Film Festival, winning the Special Jury Prize. In his formative years, Frammartino alternated works more oriented towards the cinematographic medium with works connected to the world of visual arts, including the video-installation Alberi (2013) also presented at the MoMA in New York and focused on the ancient arboreal rite of which he is the protagonist the Romito, famous figure of the Carnival of Satriano di Lucania (PZ). Michelangelo Frammartino’s cinema delves into the most intimate and profound relationship between nature and humanity, through a sensorial polyphony made of noises, sounds and images, delving into the ancestral, primitive and intimate womb of the earth.
“Il Buco” Trailer:
Andrea Conte (Andreco) is a visual artist who combines a scientific education, degree and doctorate in Environmental Engineering, postdoctoral collaborations with the University of Bologna and Columbia University in New York, on green infrastructures, Nature-Based Solutions, and appropriate technologies for the sustainable management of resources in different climatic conditions, with an artistic path that investigates the relationships between urban space and landscape, between human and non-human, creating projects that compose a single multidisciplinary research. Among these “Climate Art Project” a traveling art and science project on climate and social justice; Flumen, a complex project on the ability of water bodies to self-regenerate and on their symbolic and artistic value. Andrea Conte uses a synthetic, symbolic and conceptual language, using different representation techniques: installations, performances, sculpture, video, painting, mural painting and public art projects. He participates in exhibitions, biennials and festivals internationally. Selected for the Malta Biennale of Art 2024, the Gran Tour d’Italie of the MIC 2019, Italian Pavilion of the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, participates in the co-planning of the Floating University of Berlin in 2018, exhibits at the Milan Triennale in 2018, winner of the Special Prize of the “Talent Prize 2017” at the Macro Museum in Rome and, in 2016, Winner of Jazzi, the competition of ideas for rural regeneration, finalist in the 2019 AICA award, the Oscar for environmental communication relating to Climate Change. His works Flumen and Aula Verde were recently recognized and published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports as an example of work between art, science and ecology for climate justice (2024).

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