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Jeweler from Caserta for his eyesight due to the late diagnosis of diabetes

Elio Tronco, jeweler from Caserta, loses his sight due to diabetes: “I still have 15% of my sight, but I know it will disappear”

Elio Tronco, 74 years old, originally from Caserta but lived in Rome for most of his life, is a jeweler who had to close his business due to diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes that led to the almost complete loss of his sight .

Hereditary diabetes and progressive vision loss: “My family is full of diabetics”says Elio. “My mother and my brothers suffered from it, and unfortunately I was the unluckiest. I lost my sight due to diabetes.”

The disease has progressed rapidly in the last two years: “A year and a half ago I completely lost my sight in one eye, and in the other I can only see 15%, practically only shadows which little by little I know will disappear too”.

Late diagnosis and the search for a cure

“By the time I realized I was losing my sight, it was too late”explains Elio. “I have traveled the world looking for a specialist who could restore my sight, but so far I have had no success”.

Despite the disappointment, Elio did not give up and found support in the APMO association, thanks to Michele Allamprense who took his story to heart.

Regrets and advice: “I should have followed a more balanced diet and done more prevention,” admits Elio. “It’s only my fault”. Aware of the seriousness of his condition, Elio offers valuable advice: “No one should be denied sight. For a jeweler like me, losing your sight is the worst curse that can happen.”

The illness brought him closer to his family

The strength not to give up and the importance of family support: Despite his difficult situation, Elio does not let himself be discouraged. “I continue to deal with jewels”He says. “I control them with the little light that still comes out of the one eye that has not yet known the darkness. My work helps me not to get discouraged.”

The illness also brought him closer to his family, “and this is perhaps the only great comfort”.

Participation in the Monaldi initiative and a message of hope: Elio will be present on June 5th at the initiative promoted by Monaldi: “Absolutely yes”he states with determination. “I would actually be happy to act as a testimonial. You only understand certain illnesses when they hit you.”

His story is a warning to everyone, an invitation to take care of your health and not to underestimate the risks of diabetes. A message of hope that underlines the importance of never giving up, even when faced with the most difficult challenges.

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