Italy 24 Press News

Tivoli was a five-way race after the civic mayor

Not just the European elections. On 8 and 9 June, the citizens of Tivoli will also be asked to choose who will take the place of the outgoing mayor, the civic-minded Giuseppe Proietti, who has reached two consecutive terms and is therefore out of the running. Five people are running for his place, in a race that holds various reasons of interest, between alliances formed and then fallen and pacts that come from afar.

The centre-right – after some differences between the League and Forza Italia – is now united in support of Marco Innocenzi, entrepreneur and historical face of the Tiburtina right. Alongside him are all the governing parties of the country (Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, Noi Moderati) but also the Christian Democrats (or rather, one of the lists competing for the White Whale brand) and others civic. A choice, that of Innocenzi, which in the corridors of politics is said to have arisen even during the negotiations that took place in the last regional elections, those which saw the centre-right candidate Francesco Rocca win.

If Innocenzi appears very strong in some areas of Tivoli (such as Bagni), in the city center he will count on the many exponents of the current administration (such as the councilors Domenico Cecchetti and Marialuisa Cappelli) who a few months ago joined the League, led in Tivoli by the councilor regional Laura Cartaginese.
The Democratic Party instead decided to focus on a civic representative, the lawyer Giovanna Marconi, supported in turn by a civic list. A candidate outside of politics, even if up to a certain point: both of Marconi’s parents, in fact, can boast experience as councilors in Marco Vincenzi’s previous councils. In addition to the dem candidate, the outgoing budget councilor Maria Rosaria Cecchetti and the five-star civic councilor Francesca Chimenti will also try to become the first mayor of Tivoli.

The first, born politically within the centre-right, then merged into Proietti’s civic council. In view of the next elections however – differently as said by some of his colleagues – he has chosen not to run with the centre-right candidate Innocenzi but with the former Terzo Polo (reunited for the occasion): i.e. Action and United for Tivoli, a local expression of Italia Viva, as well as its civic list. In this race you have also chosen to support the outgoing deputy mayor, Laura Di Giuseppe. The last woman in the field as mentioned is Francesca Chimenti, teacher and outgoing opposition councilor. She is in the running with the “48 squares” civic list together with the M5S, the Green-Left Alliance and two civic ones. Finally, the “left-left” list, led by the worker Massimiliano Rossini, closes the circle.

Although the center-left appears divided today, here in Tivoli a broad-based project seemed possible. The entrepreneur Teodoro Russo brought together the parties that are in opposition at a national level (in particular the Democratic Party and the former Terzo Polo). Born in Rome but Tiburtino by adoption (and in local politics in the mid-eighties and nineties), Russo then built his career in Veneto. After an initial “yes” he took a step back for personal reasons and the coalition parties that supported him were unable to find an alternative that would keep the different political souls together. Hence, the choice to diverge on alternative candidates. According to what is filtering through, at the moment it also seems rather unlikely that the center-left will be able to find its unity in a possible run-off. But first there is a first round to face.



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