Italy 24 Press News

June 2nd celebrations in Siena, mayor Fabio: “We are our Republic day after day”

The celebrations for 78th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic, which this year started on May 28th, with a busy calendar of initiatives and events, continued this morning at the Monumento Kindergarten with the traditional flag-raising ceremony and with the laying of a laurel wreath at the Monument to the Fallen. Then the institutional procession, accompanied by the “Ernesto Becucci” Philharmonic of Radicondoli reached Piazza Duomo where, to the tune of Mameli’s anthem, the Tricolor was hung on the façade of the Government Palace.

“What we remember today is the story of a choice, a choice that led the Italian people to define themselves according to their rights and their identity – comments the mayor of Siena Nicoletta Fabio -. We are our Republic day after day, with the commitment to defend the value and memory of those who committed themselves 78 years ago to obtaining new rights.

Happy June 2nd, happy Republic Day to everyone”.

“78 years ago a free people chose the Republic – he wrote on his Facebook page President of the Province David Bussagli -. It was certainly a new form of Government for Italy but it was also a choice of “substance” of Government with those tasks that the Constitution, in article 3, assigns to the Republic.

“Remove economic and social obstacles, which, by effectively limiting the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person”.

Celebrating Republic Day also means reminding ourselves that not all those obstacles have yet been removed and that we are called to commitment so that this can definitively be achieved”.

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