Italy 24 Press News

Participated in the Republic Day in Pisa

PISA – Republic Day attended. The 78th anniversary of the Foundation of the Italian Republic celebrated in Piazza Mazzini near the Prefecture. All the civil, military and religious authorities of the province were present. The ceremony opened with the flag raising carried out in front of the deployment of the joint forces unit followed by the reading of the message from the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, by the prefect of Pisa Maria Luisa D’Alessandro (in the photo).


Republic Day was attended. The Honors for Merit of the Republic were then presented, recognitions from the Head of State to those who have distinguished themselves for having acquired merit in their working life in activities carried out for social and humanitarian purposes for the commendable services carried out in civil and military careers.

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The various moments of the ceremony were marked by the band of the Folgore Parachute Training Centre. While in the previous afternoon in the lodges of Banchi the Bersaglieri band cheered the numerous spectators present.

The day ended with the inauguration of the internal garden of the Prefecture building which the prefect Maria Luisa D’Alessandro wanted to have renovated. It is a historic garden, called the Medici Garden.

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