Italy 24 Press News

Alfonso Antoniozzi: “In Viterbo Pride is necessary to build a world in which everyone can live freely”

Politics – The deputy mayor and councilor for culture in support of the demonstration for queer and trans rights which yesterday passed through the historic center of the city of popes

The councilor for culture Alfonso Antoniozzi and the city councilor Maria Rita De Alexandris

Viterbo – We publish a reflection by the deputy mayor Alfonso Antoniozzi on Tusciapride – Imagine, if you can, a society in which a large part of human beings consider heterosexuality an unacceptable deviation, to be marginalized and repressed. A society in which a man who loves a woman or a woman who loves a man are relegated, in collective thought, to a condition of marginality. Where a man and a woman who want to get married must settle, without plausible reasons, for a civil union.

A society where the dominant culture is imbued with symbols, art and literature that glorify non-heterosexual love. In which derogatory nicknames were invented for heterosexuals. A society in which heterosexual couples, for goodness sake, are fine and all as long as they don’t flaunt their situation, they need to maintain an appearance of conformity to LGBTQI+ norms.

Viterbo – The deputy mayor and councilor for culture Alfonso Antoniozzi

A society in which heterosexuals need a Straight Pride to recognize, support and help each other. In which, somewhere in the world, the law prohibits any public display of heterosexual affection, punishable by forced re-education in specialized centres. In the most extreme cases, with death. Where these centers use advanced psychological techniques to “correct” people’s sexual orientation and make them conform to society’s standards.

A society in which schools inculcate, directly or indirectly, from childhood that heterosexuality is an inferior and unnatural form of love. In which educational programs exclusively promote LGBTQI+ family models while ignoring heterosexual relationships. A society in which discrimination against heterosexuals leads to serious psychological consequences. In which the simple gesture of holding hands or exchanging a kiss in public forces you to look around every time, to make sure you are in a safe place.

Viterbo – TusciaPride parades through the streets of the historic center

Imagine living your whole life in this society, the description of which I could easily dwell on but which I have summarized for the sake of brevity. Difficult to do. Yet, with roles reversed, this is exactly the society in which the LGBTQI+ community lives.

The act of vandalism against the Tuscia Pride installations is proof that this society, which I imagine – with roles reversed – horrifies anyone who reads it, is unfortunately still exactly the society in which an LGBTQi+ person finds himself working, thinking, acting, love every day of his life. And it is proof that in this society and also in this city a Pride is necessary, certainly not in the name of the reverse homologation imagined by me in these lines, but for the construction of a city, of a country, of a world in in which every dissent, always legitimate and even welcome in a democracy, is always expressed in civil forms. But above all, of a world in which everyone can one day live freely and with dignity, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Alfonso Antoniozzi
Deputy mayor and councilor for culture of the municipality of Viterbo

Multimedia: Photogallery: The paradeOver 3 thousand citizens at the first Tuscia Pride in the city of the popes – Video: The demonstration

– Over 3 thousand citizens at the first TusciaPride

June 2, 2024

Tusciapride … The articles

  1. “TusciaPride was a fundamental moment for the whole territory”
  2. Over 3 thousand citizens at the first TusciaPride
  3. Today is TusciaPride day, for queer and trans rights
  4. “I will participate in TusciaPride, we must be on the side of those who are the target of this government’s illiberal policies”
  5. “TusciaPride, Rainbow Street in via Saffi vandalised”
  6. “TusciaPride 1st June, we ask all municipalities to grant patronage”
  7. “We asked Tajani to sign the TusciaPride political manifesto”
  8. “TusciaPride: egalitarian marriage, surgical service for gender affirmation and anti-discrimination offices…”
  9. “Pride is fundamental because discrimination is still present in the city”
  10. Elly Schlein: “Full support for TusciaPride on June 1st”
  11. “TusciaPride, we ask the mayor Frontini to parade with us to the tune of Raffaella Carrà”
  12. “A flash mob to relaunch TusciaPride, because the medieval history of Viterbo can be integrated with LGBT rights”
  13. “TusciaPride, we ask for a public service for gender transition provided by the Local Health Authority”
  14. “The first TusciaPride in June… to give voice to the joy, anger and desires of all queer and trans people”
  15. Giancarlo Mazza: “Government and region are expression of fascist resurgences and feelings of hatred”
  16. “Dignity, equality and contrast to every form of hatred… The first Tusciapride congress in Viterbo”
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