Italy 24 Press News

Schlein-Fiorita, a (new) embrace with a view on the balance at Palazzo De Nobili

CATANZARO The feeling is not new, like the hug. The new hug that the leader of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein and the mayor of Catanzaro Nicola Fiorita they exchanged today at the Calabrian Solidarity Centre, the second stop on today’s tour of the dem secretariat in Calabria. Schlein and Fiorita have known and respected each other for years, since non-suspicious times, so to speak, that is, since she was not yet at the helm of one of the largest parties in the country and he was not yet the mayor of the capital of Calabria: in some ways, the times in which they have seen each other have always been good for both of them, because Schlein has climbed the Democratic Party in the meantime, even if she still has to deal with the die-hard currentism at the Nazarene, and Fiorita has become mayor of Catanzaro. This time, however, the embrace between the two may have had an even more important political implication than on previous occasionswith a double projection, one more immediate and of a purely electoral nature and the other a slightly more medium-term projection, the one on the events of the Municipality of Catanzaro, led by Fiorita with an “anomalous” majority born to sterilize the original sin of the “lame duck” of two years ago. Anomalous because the Giunta Fiorita is based on the centre-left that nominated it but also on a significant area that refers to a piece of the centre-right of Catanzaro, the area of ​​the regional councilor Antonello Talerico. An alliance that is certainly strange but all in all justifiable also on a political level, except that in recent weeks there has been a transition that makes the picture a little less manageable for Fiorita than before: Talerico’s official membership in Forza Italy, complete with a press conference together with the governor – and national deputy secretary – Roberto Occhiuto. And that alliance has therefore become even stranger than it already is, as well as evidently unnatural, again politically speaking.

Interviewed a few days ago by journalists, Fiorita recognized that these latest events cannot be considered neutral, announcing a “coupon” of the Council after the European electionsan administrative but also – the mayor specified – political coupon, and with the straight bar of the “non-negotiable” values ​​on which Fiorita and his movement, “Cambiavento”, which is essentially centre-left – have been attested for years. A declaration, this one from the “coupon”, which according to those in the know would reveal a stronger axis between Fiorita and the Democratic Party, a more advanced “step” in mutual relations, which were always cordial but never particularly warm. And instead now there are “messages”, signs of a Fiorita more inclined towards the Democratic Party (perhaps because it is aware that the support of such a structured party this time is really necessary to get out of trouble) but also of a Democratic Party more ready to support Fiorita in its future path and above all in its future choices, starting from the “coupon” to the Municipality of Catanzaro: and among these messages and these signals the new embrace of and with Schlein certainly seems to fit perfectly… (a. cant.)

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