Italy 24 Press News

Lamezia, mock trial in court for students of the ‘Manzoni-Augruso’ institute

Lamezia Terme – “The CIAK project was concluded at the Terme Court, where last Saturday the students of the IC Manzoni-Augruso simulated a trial as part of the training and awareness program against bullying and cyberbullying entitled “CIAK…a simulated trial to avoid a real trial”, now in its eighth edition” is what we read in a note.

“Ciak – they explain – aims, through knowledge and representation of the rules of the juvenile criminal trial, to prevent minors from entering the criminal circuit. With the simulation of the trial, the children can perceive the possible risks of illegal conduct. For For the fifth consecutive year, IC Manzoni-Augruso has joined CIAK, a project included in the three-year plan of the training offer, which is part of the initiatives carried out by the school to raise awareness among minors on the issues of legality and justice”.

“The participating children – they add – accompanied by the teachers and the external contact professor Eleonora Sirianni, in the presence of the president of the board of the Manzoni Institute, lawyer Maria Panarello, simulated a criminal trial involving minors for the crimes of bullying, cyberbullying, revenge porn The experience was an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of friendship, on respect between equals, on the incorrect use of social networks which often involves the sharing of visual content, images and videos that are offensive and harmful to the dignity of the person targeted. aim.”

“The kids – says Professor Syriani – played the different roles with seriousness and commitment, remaining significantly affected by the criminal consequences of light-hearted and joking behavior carried out by many teenagers”. The simulation which took place in a courtroom of the Court of Lamezia Terme, was enriched by the explanations of the various procedural phases by the lawyer Maria Di Terlizzi, president of the Juvenile Criminal Chamber and by the psychologist Dr. Rossella Gallo who over the course of the year oversaw moments of training and information in the school.

Satisfaction for the excellent success of the initiative is expressed by the school director of IC Manzoni-Augruso, Antonella Mongiardo: “CIAK was an interesting and educational initiative for the students, who demonstrated commitment and maturity in all phases of the project This year too, we bet on our boys, who even had the opportunity to compete in a real courtroom, once again not disappointing our expectations, and giving us positive feedback also from the point of view of ‘ use of new pedagogical methodologies, such as role playing, the young “players” tried their hand at interpreting a role, learning to appreciate the rules of democracy, experiencing first-hand what it means to commit a crime and which ones consequent could arise from an irresponsible action, therefore won, which we hope has left an incisive trace in the educational path of our children. Because an important mission of the school is to develop in young people respect for themselves and others, a sense of legality and the ethics of responsibility. In particular, it is important that minors are made aware of the conscious use of the internet, of the rights and duties connected to information technologies”. “The school community and, in particular, the parents appreciated the initiative for its high educational value , expressing applause for the school’s participation in projects such as CIAK useful for the human and social growth of children”.


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