Italy 24 Press News

“If Vesuvius erupted”. Intergroup studies new evacuation plan

“If unfortunately Vesuvius were to erupt, according to the provisions in force, hundreds of thousands of people from Campania would be forced to emigrate towards the North. This is a real deportation that would deplete Campania of an important social, economic and productive fabric, giving rise to a horrifying depopulation. Against this dangerous plan, the parliamentary intergroup ‘Southern Development, Fragile Areas and Minor Islands’, which I chair, has worked on a bill which has the objective of evacuating the population to the islands in the event of disasters. internal areas of Campania, so as to transform the emergency into an opportunity for the development of depressed areas”. Thus in a note the deputy Alessandro Caramiello

“This need is also dictated by the fact that, in defiance of the very concept of ‘prevention’, in the North they are not even ready to host a significant flow of fugitives, nor – as far as we know – have a plan ready for requisitioning hotels, setting up tent cities or reception centres, which is shameful. Therefore, this PDL, together with 3 others – of which the first reforms the local police, the second increases the clause by 34%, the third supports the smaller islands – will be presented to the press. on May 31st at Villa Signorini (Ercolano, 5pm), in the presence of the Vice President of the Chamber Sergio Costa and majority and opposition parliamentarians. Following this, there will be a food and wine tour (offered by the Terra Viva Club) aimed at promoting southern excellence. The population is invited to participate”, he adds.

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