Italy 24 Press News

Drago Acireale presented, born from the merger between Drago and Acireale C5

The new Drago Acireale C5 was presented, born from the merger between Drago and Acireale C5. In the Conference Room of the “PalaVolcan”, the patron of the granata Cristiano Ereddia, the managing director Giuseppe Sardo, the general director Pippo Vasta, the director of the technical area Giuseppe Caruso, the manager Emanuele Maugeri and the marketing and commercial directors Maurizio Ciancio were present and Luccio Di Grazia. Sardo illustrated the new sporting reality: “It is a union between a long-lived reality and a young and successful one in the last three years. The merger took place not because there were two projects in difficulty, but was born by virtue of a unity of intent and a common goal: to bring Acireale to the top. One of the pillars of the company will be the youth sector. We strongly believe in creating a sense of belonging in the kids and we have entrusted this to Joselito D’Agostino”.

The Acese municipal administration was also present, led by the mayor Roberto Barbagallo: “what is happening is important – commented the Mayor -. An economic and human synergy, which can make the movement grow, especially through the nursery. We know which These are the conditions of the structures and we want to build another arena. We will try to equip the city with two facilities to give more space to sport in the Tupparello area.” General manager Vasta was very excited: “It has always been my dream to carry out a beautiful futsal project in Acireale. I promised myself to join forces and I must say that it was easy, because I met passionate and competent people”.

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