Italy 24 Press News

“Heavy fines for owners who leave their shop windows vacant”

“For a mayor, the first interlocutors are and must be the trade associations, an important point of reference for the development of a constructive dialogue in the interest of the entire community”. Thus the mayor of Forlì Gian Luca Zattini who in recent days met the entire management group of Ascom-Confcommercio Forlì.

“Confcommercio has been very satisfied with these five years of work by Mayor Zattini who had to deal, among other difficulties, with Covid, the energy crisis and the May flood, demonstrating extraordinary efforts and a great sense of responsibility. The city has changed and some situations have significantly improved. Our hope is to continue along this path, opening a particular focus on small-medium enterprises, sentinels and garrisons of our territory.” These are the words of the Director of Ascom-Confcommercio, Alberto Zattini.

Security downtown

“Security is certainly a very complicated issue to which we are dedicating the utmost attention – replied the mayor and candidate Gian Luca Zattini in conclusion – in the Police Commissioner and in the Prefect I find that rigor and effectiveness that we have always sought to ensure order public. With regards to the policies within our competence, I asked the new commander of the Local Police for more uniforms in the area, more patrol officers in the most sensitive points of the city, starting right from the historic center. Here, we must first of all take note of fragile real estate and housing policies and of a trade crisis that does not only concern Forlì, but all of Italy. We will intervene with heavy sanctions against those owners who leave their shop windows vacantconsigning them to decay, and we will work harder and better on the revitalization of the center”.

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