Italy 24 Press News

Reggio Emilia, safety between reality and perception

What role do the media play today in communicating safety to citizens? Is Reggio Emilia really as dangerous as it seems or are we in a period of media terror? Has everything really gotten significantly worse in the space of a few years? Whose fault is it?

These and other questions were asked by Laura Sassipresident of CNA Pensionati, behind the conference organized by CNA Pensionati and CNA Reggio Emilia “UN-SAFE city. Between reality and perception”.

“The urban security of our territory and our reality – he continued Stones – is a topic that deeply affects us and our communities. It is necessary to talk about it: the lack of security especially affects the most socially and economically fragile people.”

Among the speakers who spoke at the debate: Giorgio Luglipresident of CNA Reggio Emilia, Azio Sezzigeneral director of CNA Reggio Emilia, Luca Vecchimayor of Reggio Emilia, Mattia Marianidirector of Telereggio, Elio Ivo Sassidelegated councilor for security of the Emilia-Romagna Province and sociologist Massimiliano Panarari.

The protagonists of the debate were the historic center of the city and the station area. “We must recognize what has been done for the redevelopment of the historic center and the territory of Reggio Emilia – he underlined Luca Vecchinow at the end of his second mandate – but the problem of crime and malpractice is not easy to eradicate”.

“Microcrime and safety are hotly debated issues in politics – highlighted the mayor – but they must not be politicized just for an extra vote in the next elections. Safety regulations must concern citizens, not politicians. Security is a right and must be guaranteed for everyone.”

The topics examined in the morning were varied and interesting, and gave rise to numerous food for thought in the speakers and participants. “Violence and crime news – he commented Mattia Mariani – have always been there and probably always will be there. The problem is that, if in the 1980s the information was made known by three/four broadcasters, now the news spreads on the Internet and on social media”. The director of Telereggio admits that this situation was also caused by journalists because they failed to educate people to correctly read news events. Today, in fact, what is mainly interesting is publishing news before competitors and making it attractive, without stopping to search for the data.

“From my point of view – added the sociologist Massimiliano Panarari – there is a widespread inability to take responsibility for what happens around us, to build community and help each other. Social control is fundamental if put into practice by citizens for citizens but harshness and repression are also needed when necessary.”

The intense debate ended with the speech of Azio Sezzi who was satisfied with all the topics presented. “I thank the panel of speakers for the rationality and clarity of the discussions and explanations provided regarding the topics presented. Starting from the sense of insecurity of citizens and businesses, we analyzed the history, roots and culture of our city, aware that there is still a need to provide answers with concrete actions”.


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