Naples, shots fired at two boys at Banchi Nuovi, one is in danger of life


July 2, 2024


Two boys, 22 and 25, injured in via Santa Chiara by gunshots. The second one was hit in the lower abdomen: he is in serious condition.

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A man allegedly approached them while they were near a shop between via Santa Chiara and via Banchi Nuovi, in the historic center of Naplesand for no apparent reason he opened fire on both of them: this is what the two boys, aged 22 and 25, both with no criminal record, said when they arrived at the Emergency room of the Pellegrini hospital in Pignaseccaboth hit by bullets. The youngest, wounded in the left leg, was treated and subsequently discharged with a prognosis of 15 days, but the conditions of the other are causing concern: the bullet hit him hit in the lower abdomen, he is hospitalized in danger of life.

The dynamics are under investigation, investigators are also considering the possibility that at the site of the wounding and in the adjacent streets some cameras may have filmed the attempted murder or at least provided valuable information on who shot. According to the victims’ story, they were wounded by a man who arrived on foot and, immediately after shooting, disappeared. The two managed to reach Pellegrini, where the 22-year-old was treated and the 25-year-old, more seriously injured, was hospitalized. The investigations are being entrusted to the Flying Squad of the State Police.

The facts could be linked to the criminal tensions of the Spanish Quarters

According to the findings of the Scientific Police, at least a dozen shots were fired in last night’s shooting at Banchi Nuovi. The 22-year-old was more seriously injured he would be related by kinship to a member of the organised crime in the Spanish Quartersbut it cannot be said with certainty whether or not he was the target of the raid

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Fears that the incident is linked to the ongoing criminal tensions in the Spanish Quarters in the last few hours are high. In recent days, other shootings have occurred in the Quarters: a 17-year-old was wounded with three shots for reacting to a robbery; on June 17, however, he was wounded, fortunately slightly, Peter Savio, son of the former boss-writer Mario Savio.

The maze of alleys between Via Toledo and Corso Vittorio Emanuele is today one of the areas most affected by the tourist explosion: houses and tenements have been transformed into bed and breakfasts, bars and restaurants have doubled in number compared to ten years ago and the area is constantly invaded by hundreds of visitors on a “pilgrimage” to the mural of Maradona and visiting the alleys.

The prefect of Naples: “Intensified surveillance in the area”

Immediately after the incident the prefect of Naples, Michael from Bariimmediately ordered – he explains in a note – «the intensification of prevention, surveillance and control services on the territory by the police forces, also through high-impact operations, in order to increase security in the area as well as prevent any form of illegality».

“The area of ​​the historic center of Naples – writes the Prefecture – is among those particularly monitored for the protection of public order and to ensure the liveability of the context, with the aim of increasing the perception of safety not only of residents but also of the numerous tourists and visitors who flock there every day”.

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