Undeclared work and gangmastering, a turnover of 4.6 billion in Veneto

Undeclared work and gangmastering, a turnover of 4.6 billion in Veneto
Undeclared work and gangmastering, a turnover of 4.6 billion in Veneto

Amounts to 4.6 billion euros is the annual turnover attributable to “black” work in Veneto.

If we relate this amount to the total regional added value, the share is equal to 3.1 percent. Among all the regions of Italy, only Lombardy has a lower incidence than ours. This means that the weight of the “black” in Veneto is very limited.

Undeclared work in Veneto: some data

The social scourge of undeclared work in Veneto, as in all other Italian regions, must be constantly monitored and combated wherever it lurks.

The people involved in the underground economy in our region are estimated at 185,400 units, equal to 6.5 percent of the national total. In absolute terms, the army of invisible workers is important even if, obviously, it is reduced when we relate it to the number of employed people. In fact, the irregularity rate in Veneto is 8.1 percent and among all the areas monitored only the Autonomous Province of Bolzano with 7.9 percent has a rate lower than ours.

Although there is no data at a regional level, we are able to estimate with good approximation that also in Veneto the sectors where the largest number of irregular workers is concentrated are personal services (housekeepers and carers), agriculture, construction and the hospitality sector.

Those just mentioned are some flashes that emerged from an analysis conducted by the CGIA Research Office.

The other Italian regions

The added value produced in 2021 by irregular work in Italy amounted to 68 billion euros, of which 23.7 billion in the South, 17.3 in the North-West, 14.5 in the Center and 12.4 in the North-East.

If we measure the percentage impact of this amount on the total regional added value, the highest share, equal to 8.3 percent, concerns Calabria. Campania follows with 6.9 percent, Sicily with 6.6 percent and Puglia with 6.2 percent. The national average is 4.2 percent.

Of the 2,848,100 irregular workers estimated in Italy by Istat, 1,061,900 are located in the South, 691,300 in the Northwest, 630,000 in the Center and 464,900 in the Northeast.

If we calculate the irregularity rate, given by the ratio between the number of irregulars and the total number of employed people per region, the most significant presence is always recorded in the South and, in particular, in Calabria with 19.6 percent. Campania follows with 16.5 percent and Sicily with 16 percent. The average figure in Italy is 11.3 percent.

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