Mayor Mascia scolds Abbanoa after the inconveniences in Sassari

Mayor Mascia scolds Abbanoa after the inconveniences in Sassari
Mayor Mascia scolds Abbanoa after the inconveniences in Sassari

Mayor Mascia asks Abbanoa for tankers

Joseph Mascia does not yet have a council and must deal directly with the problems of Sassaristarting from thewater it’s yes Abbanoa. After the umpteenth inconvenience of these days he went tothe construction site of via Kennedy together with the local police commander, Gianni Serra. After having made the point, he scolds Abbanoa and asks for different behavior and clearer communication.

“We need to be closer to our citizens – he comments -. In this sense I ask Abbanoa to demonstrate, together with us, the proper attention to the needs and requirements of the population in a concrete way and provides the service of tankers with drinking water: due act towards citizens”. The latest mess concerns the area of ​​Viale Porto Torres, with problems in half of Sassari. “A situation that was certainly partly unforeseeable, but which I will not tolerate it anymoreif the population is not immediately supported with water tankers and clear, timely and constantly updated communication, through all the channels available to the water service management company”.

“We know that the law requires Abbanoa to ensure the tankers after 24 hours from the beginning of the outage. Often, for a few hours at night, the supply is restored and this blocks the running of the terms – explains the mayor -. But the needs of the people cannot be tied to these formal aspects. As mayor I publicly ask that Abbanoa goes further what has been done to date and is close to the population in a tangible way. I also urge a cmore effective and direct communication towards citizens, both with regard to planned interventions and when a break in part of the pipeline occurs, creating significant and lasting inconveniences”.

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