here’s who the new bomber is

here’s who the new bomber is
here’s who the new bomber is

The former Ancona player will be the next striker for the rossoscudati

Padova has made its first big move of the season. It is about Alberto Spagnolicentre forward coming from an excellent two years in Ancona (26 goals in 63 appearances). The purchase of the striker Pordenone certifies the ambitions of the Euganean people who, after several disappointments, finally want to reconquer the much-desired Serie B.

Spagnoli was officially released from contract on 1 July after Ancona failed to has signed up for the next Serie C championshipThe Dorics had achieved safety on the field and much of the credit went to the attacker, who was the driving force with his 15 goals.

The battleships had their eyes on the Spaniards Vicenza, Catania and the new Milan Future who dreamed of bringing him back to the fold (he actually grew up in the AC Milan youth team).
Then, the Oscar-worthy twist: the hidden insertion of the Padovawho in a few hours closed the deal by giving away to Andreoletti the double-digit striker.

The real mastermind of the coup is certainly Maximilian Mirabelli. The former manager of the Milan he sensed the right moment and made his move by convincing the player to join the white and blue cause with a three-year contract.

Alberto Spagnoli: a bomber also… in the kitchen

Alberto Spagnoli wandered around a lot before establishing himself and finding continuity with the jersey of Ancona. On the Adriatic coast he found goals and a city that won him over with its passion and warmth. For the bond created he certainly suffered a lot for the situation that was created in the Doric capital. But now it’s time for him to turn the page. and start a new challenge with the jersey of Padova.

But Spagnoli is not just a flurry of goals. In an interview given when he was at Modena, he declared that during the isolation period he developed a passion for cooking, especially with first courses such as risotto, pasta and sauces. In Emilia, the land of tortellini and ragù, it couldn’t be otherwise.i. Who knows if during the stay at Anconabetween mussels and stockfish, has not expanded his repertoire, which is already very rich on the field.

Massimiliano Mirabelli, ds of Padova – credit Calcio Padova –

Padova, here is your striker

We were talking about the richness of the repertoire… Spanish he can count on several weapons at his disposal. Among them physicality, the sense of goal that make him the centre forward he is today and the mobility that in his career has allowed him to play on the wing.
It is no coincidence that his idol is Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a player who has made the variety of shots one of his strong points.

No Spanishwho also has Luca Toni among his models, is ready to show all his qualities in Padua, another city with a strong tradition football and culinary. In Veneto, an ambitious audience awaits him, which, like him, wants revenge and dreams Serie B…a star-studded square.

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