Pregnant, raped 20 times by ex-boyfriend. Sentenced to 10 years

Abuse and sexual violence on pregnant ex-partnera. Today the panel of judges sentenced the defendant, assisted by the lawyer Francesco Cogrossito a penalty of 10 years of imprisonmentas requested by the prosecutor Chiara Treballiand compensation to the victim, a civil party through the lawyer Elena Guerreschiof a provisional of 10,000 eurosThe man is currently in prison where he is serving a definitive sentence for stalking his former partner.

Lawyer Guerreschi

Abuse, even in the presence of two young childrenphysical and verbal violence, threats, insults, and, as the prosecution specified, “twenty incidents of sexual violence” clerks when she was pregnantA nightmare that lasted two years, a period that the woman retraced last March in the criminal courtroom of Cremona. The couple had moved in together in August 2020when she was expecting a child. At first, the abuse was only verbal, but after a few months, physical attacks began as well.

The violence erupted when he was under the influence of drugswhich she used habitually. And to the physical attacks, sexual ones were often added: at the beginning she shouted at him to stop and leave her alone, then, out of fear and to not make the situation worse, she decided not to protest anymore.Kicks, punches, pushes, hands around the neck“, the woman had said. “Then he would throw me on the bed, or wherever I was, and tear my clothes off, sometimes laughing.”.

In those years, the woman had remained isolated: “He had made me lose contact with everyone,” the victim said. “Often he locked me in the house and took my keys. He also took my phone because he didn’t want me to call anyone. I was psychologically destroyed from what I was experiencing and I was terrified of his threats. I saw how unstable he was and I assumed that if I left he would do what he threatened me with.” He had told her that if she told someone he allegedly took a gun and shot first her son and then her. Another time he had told her that if she left he would he would have found her and stabbed her. In one of the many episodes, she found herself with a knife held to the throatand she was injured.

The opportunity had arrived for the woman. on November 17, 2022, when she found him passed out at home after a dose. At that moment, after calling for help, she had been able to leave the house with her children and file a complaintThe victim is remained in a shelter for over a year. Thanks to the anti-violence center “Aida”the woman was included in a project to be accompanied towards a new life.

Sarah Pizzorni

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