11 Awards to Honor the Best Brushes

11 Awards to Honor the Best Brushes
11 Awards to Honor the Best Brushes

Presentation in grand style, in the prestigious Perticari-Signoretti palace, of the 16th extemporaneous painting competition: “The Port of Pesaro – characteristic aspects” as part of the traditional Port festival held on the first Sunday of July. All thanks to the commitment of the “Quei del Port” committee composed of: Franco Signoretti, Pino Mainieri, Giovanni Boni, Maurizio Marinucci, Amerigo Balduini, Giulio Boccioletti, Sara Signoretti, Andrea Ricci, Andrea Tartaglia and Giovanni Zidda which will be held on Saturday 6 July.

“The competition – explained Pino Mainieri – revived in 2008, after 47 years and dedicated to the creator Giovanni Monacciani and in memory of the dear friend and teacher Mario Logli, president of the jury for 5 years, has the aim of valorizing the characters, the landscape, architectural and panoramic aspects of the “Porto di Pesaro” district. The interpretation suggested by the theme of the event must be a stimulus to produce personal images full of subjectivity”. Also for this edition there are 11 prizes: 1st prize €700; 2nd €400; 3rd €250 from the 4th to the 10th classified ex aequo €200; Special Emma Corvo Prize €300. There are also 10 prizes with shopping vouchers of €30 each for the first 10 young artists Under 14 classified. The jury, chaired for the 4th year by Anna Rosa Basile, benefits from the collaboration of vice president Paolo Polidori, Tiziana Pezzolesi, Carlo Bertani and the new entry of Francesca Brugnettini, organizer of art exhibitions.

“The jury – President Basile remarked – in choosing the winning paintings, will evaluate with scores from 1 to 5 ‘mainly’: the relevance to the theme (the port of Pesaro) with double points, followed by the composition, the technique, the color”. The jury of the Emma Corvo special prize is composed of Roberta Tomassini, Ennio Buonanno and Francesco Sanfilippo. Registrations are possible until the day of the competition from 8 am at the secretariat in via Cecchi 22. It is possible to register in the following ways: by collecting the regulation and the registration form at the Circolo del Porto in via Cecchi 22 from 4:30 pm to 11:30 pm; by downloading the registration form and regulation from the website www.queidelport.it; by calling 348 4035875 or 348 0436227 and providing your data.

Registration fee: free for children under 16; €10 for those over 16. The paintings will remain on display in the hall on Sunday 7 July and can be collected on Monday 8. Last year, 71 artists from 11 regions participated (Marche, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Abruzzo, Lazio, Molise, Campania, Liguria, Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont). Winner of the 2023 competition: Antonio Mazziale from Campobasso; winner of the “Emma Corvo” award: Marco Faliero from Taranto.

Luigi Diotalevi

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