Confcommercio CL-EN welcomes the new mayor – the Gazzettino di Gela

Confcommercio CL-EN welcomes the new mayor – the Gazzettino di Gela
Confcommercio CL-EN welcomes the new mayor – the Gazzettino di Gela

Enna – The day after the election of the candidate Terenziano Di Stefano, the President of Confcommercio Caltanissetta Enna Maurizio Prestifilippo sends the new mayor of Gela a note of congratulations: «On behalf of myself, of the Board of Directors of Confcommercio Caltanissetta Enna and of the Confcommercio Delegate of Gela Vito Faraci, I would like first of all to express my most sincere congratulations on your election as Mayor of the City of Gela and to extend my best wishes for the important and demanding task that awaits you».

The President of Confcommercio Caltanissetta Enna continues his letter by arguing that «Gela now needs an authoritative guide who can push it towards a significant change of pace, who knows how to adopt a far-sighted development strategy, which is independent of the now outdated industrial experience and which can find in tourism the path to economic relaunch and development».

Addressing Mayor Di Stefano, Maurizio Prestifilippo emphasizes that “his election was welcomed by the business world of Gela with confidence and with the curiosity to know what initiatives he intends to implement in favor of the suffering commercial sector of the City of Gela. Confcommercio Caltanissetta Enna is ready to give its contribution in terms of planning and development strategies, through discussion and sharing with the municipal administration”.

“It would be appropriate if you – concludes the President of Confcommercio Caltanissetta Enna – could meet us to discuss the problems related to the difficult economic and social conditions of the territory, the difficulties that production activities encounter daily and the necessary measures to adopt to create the conditions for recovery”

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