35 year old man arrested

35 year old man arrested
35 year old man arrested

He would have set fire to six cars to take revenge on his ex-partner after the end of their relationship. And 35 years old he was arrested in Brindisi on charges of stalking acts to the detriment of the woman and fire.

The man allegedly set it alight two fires on the night between Sunday and Monday a few hundred meters apart. Among the six cars set on fire were also the woman’s and the suspect’s.

In the past few months the woman had already filed a first complaint against the ex-partner because the man was allegedly responsible for stalking behavior.

The other evening the new episode with the 35 year old who allegedly started the two arson attacks, as emerged from the investigative activity conducted by the agents of the Brindisi Mobile Squad.

The police, in fact, have acquired some audio messages that the suspect would have sent to the victim, taking responsibility for the fires. Also from the images of video surveillance systems the presence of the 35-year-old is noted in the area of ​​the fires.

The detectives of the mobile squad, coordinated by the deputy commissioner Giorgio Grasso, have also the clothes the man was wearing were seized the night he set the fires, which he got rid of immediately after the events. The arrest was also possible using a recent legislative innovation that introduced the possibility of drawing arrest in flagrante deferred any stalkers.

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