The tourist itinerary of the Strada Regia delle Calabrie has been inaugurated

The tourist itinerary of the Strada Regia delle Calabrie has been inaugurated
The tourist itinerary of the Strada Regia delle Calabrie has been inaugurated

ERCOLANO PORTICI – “The Strada Regia delle Calabrie becomes the Strada Regia in Tour with walks and hikes. We begin the activity of knowledge, of reconnaissance of buildings, architecture, sites. The goal is to enhance this immense heritage still hidden. The Strada Regia delle Calabrie has become a Jubilee Itinerary and is also described on the website of the Ministry of Tourism. In 2025, the route that goes from Naples to Reggio Calabria will be a destination for all pilgrims who want to walk along these itineraries. Various itineraries have been chosen in Italy, but in the Sid Italia the Strada Regia delle Calabrie has been chosen. A truly important result, possible thanks to the work and promotion activities carried out in particular by the Archeoclub D’Italia headquarters in Cava dei Tirreni”. This was announced by Luca Esposito, Project Manager for the Promotion of the Villages of the Strada Regia delle Calabrie for the National Archeoclub D’Italia.

“The Strada Regia delle Calabrie ranges from the noble villas along the third and fourth miles, to the rapidly growing archaeological sites such as Ercolano. But along the Strada Regia delle Calabrie there is the Pietrarsa Railway Museum, beautiful, highly multimedia, technological, cutting edge. Our invitation is to visit the Pietrarsa Railway Museum, a true jewel of beauty not only for all railway enthusiasts but also for all citizens, Italian and foreign tourists who wish to immerse themselves in the full wonder. The Museum is on the sea with an extraordinary landscape and is cared for down to the smallest details. I thank Oreste Orvitti, Director of the FS Museum Centre, for the welcome and to him but to all of Trenitalia and the Foundation go our compliments for the beauty and care of the Museums, in particular that of Pietrarsa. There are many pavilions, very rich from all eras, with the possibility of entering some carriages to dream and take a journey through Italy and also the history of Italy. The route begins from the underpass where you are welcomed by truly engaging multimedia videos. We remember that the Pietrarsa Railway Museum is on the Strada Regia delle Calabrie. The beautiful Reggia di Portici is also on the Strada Regia delle Calabrie – concluded Esposito – the Reggia also offers a view of the sea with the wonder of the many large royal apartments. Let’s not forget the Faculty of Agriculture, the Botanical Garden.

All this is on the Strada Reggia delle Calabrie. As we approach the 2025 Jubilee, we will give life to three more Tours on the Strada Regia delle Calabrie and also to an important Press Tour exclusive for the Italian and foreign press. In the meantime, in these hours, we have traveled the “noble stretch” of the oldest Via del Sud. “La Strada Regia IN TOUR” is a project that aims to bring to the attention of the public and Italian and foreign tourists, the historical, architectural and landscape heritage arranged along the 250 kilometers of the ancient road, from Naples to Castrovillari. The idea is to propose 4 initial tours, in the most representative places of the route, where you can delve into the history of the Road, of the places and people who have crossed it, through new forms of storytelling. The tours are proposed by Archeoclub d’Italia in collaboration with its local branches, Associations, Pro-Loco, Tour Operators and all the local entities that care about their territory, with a view to slow, cultural and sustainable tourism. Each of the 4 proposed tours includes an inaugural event, with which to tell the aims of the Archeoclub d’Italia project of historical and social promotion of the internal areas of southern Italy. In these hours we started with a walk along the “noble” stretch of the Via Regia delle Calabria, from the site of the ancient workshops of Pietrarsa (home of the most important Italian Locomotive Museum), to the sumptuous Bourbon Palace of Portici and its immense forest! In the company of local guides and historians, friends of real sites and the Consorzio Costa del Vesuvio, the tour stopped at some of the most beautiful Vesuvian Villas and told in an original way the extraordinary riches, cultural and architectural, of one of the most fascinating stretches of road in Italy. This is the first path that sees Naples as the protagonist, as the starting point. Naples had no paths.

Now Naples is the starting point of a great journey which is the Strada Regia delle Calabria. The Royal Road of Calabria ranges from the Vesuvian Villas, to the taverns and post stations that are along the road of the past, in full vegetation and nature. The Strada Regia delle Calabrie It embraces urban features, even eighteenth-century Epitaphs in the city, but also Epitaphs like the one in Serre, in the middle of nature. The Strada Regia delle Calabrie It also puts all the villages in the internal part of Campania back at the centre, Lucania, Calabria, cut off from modern connecting roads. Once upon a time, these villages were crossed by one of the most important connecting roads and were therefore part of the economic but also tourist circuit of the time. With this project we give a second life to the inland villages. All this was possible thanks to the extraordinary collaboration with the Municipality of Portici, the Pro Loco of Portici, the Royal District, the Associazione Siti Reali, the Consorzio Costa del Vesuvio”.

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