Bergamo’s Policy for the Protection of Minors – Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile

Bergamo’s Policy for the Protection of Minors – Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile
Bergamo’s Policy for the Protection of Minors – Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile



Bergamo, Tuesday 2 July 2024 – The Policy for the protection of minors in the world of Sport is born. A project that has brought to the table five aware and expert partners such as ATS Bergamo, the Bergamo Police Headquarters, the Cooperativa Specchio Magico and CESVI together with Volley Bergamo 1991.

It was a challenge based on a path that compared the professionalism of each protagonist and led to meeting athletes, parents, technical and management staff of the Youth Sector of Volley Bergamo and its affiliated companies.

“What we are going to present is the result of work that began a year ago – explains the Vice President of Volley Bergamo 1991, Stefano Rovetta the result of collaboration with four partners who have allowed us to draw up a fundamental tool to protect young athletes. This is a document that can help us prevent serious situations of hardship.

The period of development and drafting of this Policy was also the occasion to develop a code of ethics and behavior that we will make available to the athletes and technicians of our team that will participate in the A1 series championship as fundamental behavioral rules for the proper coexistence of the group and to guarantee mutual respect”.

“We have always paid the utmost attention to our young players, even off the pitch. – Luigi underlines A lotHead of the Youth Sector of Volley Bergamo 1991 – and The Policy is the result of our experiences combined with the professionalism of those who have been at our side to draft it, in particular Rocco Briganti of the Cooperativa Specchio Magico, whom we thank for the care and attention with which he dedicated himself to the project.

Our Policy for the protection of minors is a decisive first step that will send a strong signal to the world of Sport and will be a guide, support and help both in prevention and in being close to those who find themselves living in difficult situations”.

“As described by the representatives of Volley Bergamo 1991 – Rocco highlights Brigands of the Specchio Magico Cooperative, one of the project managers – represents a national novelty with a top-notch company that is active and proactive in the implementation of prevention and protection actions for its athletes, families and collaborators. The Bergamo model is now “THE” territorial model at a national level and the object of international attention following the evolution of the BEST BErgamo Sport and Territory project.

BEST sees ATS Bergamo as the protagonist of a structured and far-sighted initiative, in connection with the work of the Police Headquarters represented by Deputy Commissioner Marco kid who, thanks to his expertise, has brought incredible added value to our work. Having the skills of profiles such as in the context of collaboration with the State Police is an element of extreme guarantee of protection of minors in the territory, in this case in the sports field.

An essential contribution to the further development of BEST is the involvement of the Ernesto Modanesi Il Mister Association in the Treviglio area, which, in close collaboration with Specchio Magico, has formed and supported numerous sports organizations in that area, thanks also to the assistance of Volley Bergamo 1991.

ATS Bergamo, Police Headquarters, examples of sporting excellence such as Volley Bergamo 1991, the private social sector with Specchio Magico and CESVI and the inclusion of territorial associations such as Ernesto Modanesi Il Mister frame a way of working, involvement, participation that we believe can and should open a new line of looking at sport and the well-being of young athletes!”.

The dimension of well-being and beauty is closely connected to the values ​​promoted through sport” highlights the doctor Caimi Barbara, Social Health Director of ATS Bergamo.

“It is essential to intervene preventively in the different contexts of children’s lives,” continues Dr. Caimi, “to develop those skills that have a protective function with respect to various risky behaviors.

The promotion of physical activity, especially among the young population, is one of the objectives pursued by ATS as a positive determinant of the well-being of the population.

The sports environment represents an elective context where to gain self-confidence. Confidence, built over time, gives the perception to the kids that they are capable of realizing what they want and increases their relational ability. Every experience of victory, defeat or difficulty can be perceived as an opportunity for growth.

The kids regain control of themselves by learning, in a group setting, to manage even negative emotions (performance anxiety, disappointment over a defeat or a mistake).

While the centrality of the parental role for young people is obvious to everyone, it should be remembered that sports coaches also play an important educational role and represent important points of reference for the growth of girls and boys. They are therefore figures who must be involved in preventive actions and health promotion activities aimed at young people.

The policy for the protection of minors in sport is part of a broader project, active for several years now within the Local Plan for the prevention of Gambling Disorder, which aims to prevent this phenomenon starting from youth sports contexts”.

“The topic of safe sport for all is increasingly gaining significant attention: sporting activity, in fact, is not only a fundamental need, recognized as a human right by organizations such as the UN and UNESCO; it is also an expression of the right to health from a psycho-physical point of view, with important correlations on the topic of development, intercultural and interracial dialogue and peace” declares Roberto VignolaDeputy Director General of CESVI.

“A sporting environment that is inclusive, capable of guaranteeing safety, serenity, training and growth of ethical-social values ​​for young people and their families, fully adheres to the values ​​and mission of CESVI and this is why we are proud of this result that protects the rights and safety of professional and non-professional athletes”.

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