TOSCANA ECONOMY – Torna Smart and coop

TOSCANA ECONOMY – Torna Smart and coop
TOSCANA ECONOMY – Torna Smart and coop

Smart and coop is back: the new edition of the call for proposals that creates young cooperatives is underway

The call is aimed at teams that want to realize a business idea in a cooperative form or that have started a cooperative no more than 12 months ago in the territories of Florence, Arezzo and Grosseto. The total value of the prizes amounts to 50 thousand euros. The deadline to participate is September 6, 2024.

Smart and coop is back, the acceleration path aimed at groups of young people who want to create a business based on the values ​​of equity, democracy, inclusiveness and sustainability: a cooperative. The new edition (the sixth) of the call, promoted by CR Florence Foundation, Legacoop Tuscany e NOI-Legacoop Toscana Foundationopens today at 5pm.

L’2024 edition has the aim of accompany the development of ideas capable of respond to new emerging needs, adapt to the transformation of markets e contribute to the achievement of one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 AgendaThe call is addressed to teams that want to realize a business idea in a cooperative form or that have started a cooperative no more than 12 months ago in the territories of Florence, Arezzo and Grosseto.

I groups that apply must be composed of a minimum of 3 participants. The majority of the components It will be under 40. Group members can come from any region, but the cooperative (new or already started) must be established either in the Metropolitan City of Florence, or in the Province of Arezzo, or in the Province of Grosseto.

The call provides contributions for the establishment and start-up of the cooperative for a total value of 50 thousand euros.

To participate in the call there is time until 11.59pm on September 6, 2024following the procedure illustrated on the site.

“We are addressing all those young people who believe in teamwork, in the value of being together – says the president of Legacoop Toscana Roberto Negriniand who want to give substance to an entrepreneurial idea to contribute to improving the quality of life of the people and the community in their territory”.

“This call invites young people to get involved with an entrepreneurial idea – says Gabriele Gori, General Manager of Fondazione CR Firenze -. Fondazione CR Firenze and Legacoop then provide a support path to transform it into a working reality. We believe in the enthusiasm of those who want to innovate for the development of our territory”.

From all eligible applications, one will be selected top 10 business ideas who will access a intensive training and design laboratory of the project ideawhich will be held on 22 and 23 October 2024.

The Commission will subsequently indicate the best cooperative projects (up to a maximum of 6) among the 10 presented, who will have access to the incubation phase (between November 2024 and March 2025) aimed at strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of the participants and defining the concrete development plan of the future cooperative. At the end of the course, a meeting will be held awards event.

In the first five editions of the Smart and Coop project have been collected 86 candidature of business ideas to be started in a cooperative form by as many teams that have involved more of 350 young people under 40.

They have been admitted to the incubation path 21 team and then 12 projects awarded which then formed a cooperative. Through the Smart and Coop call, grants were awarded 190,000 euros of non-repayable financing in support of the establishment of new cooperatives and a total of more than 580 hours of training and mentoring.

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