in the Padua area over 1,100 artisan businesses in the wellness sector

in the Padua area over 1,100 artisan businesses in the wellness sector
in the Padua area over 1,100 artisan businesses in the wellness sector

In the province of Padua, the artisan wellness sector is taking on an increasingly important role in supporting care processes. According to a recent survey conducted by SDV for Confartigianato Imprese Padova, which involved a sample of 250 interviewees, it is estimated that 1,130 artisan wellness companies offer products or services to people who are undertaking a treatment path for pathologies of various nature and severity.

The profile of the most active companies

Businesses led by women, aged between 41 and 60, with a number of employees ranging from 1 to 9, operating mainly in the areas of Alta Padovana, Bassa Padovana, East and West, open to collaboration with other professionals and to continuous training. This is the identikit of the companies most oriented towards services dedicated to people who are undergoing a treatment path.

Tools and methodologies

The tools used by wellness artisans who provide products or services to people undergoing treatment include vials, shampoos and anti-hair loss products (31.5% of cases), massages and treatments (19.1%). It is interesting to note that the majority of these professionals work mainly independently (83.5%), while only 16.5% work in a team.

Skills training

Beauty professionals acquire the skills needed to offer these services mainly through specific training courses (86% of cases), provided in two cases out of three by product supplier companies. Other sources of learning include field experience (34.5%), books (9.2%) or schools or academies (8.3%). The research highlighted a strong need for further training and updating: 55.6% of interviewees who already work or intend to work in supporting people in care believe that further training for their collaborators is essential.

Well being

Beatrice Daniele, president of the Wellness category system, explains: «These data demonstrate the growing importance, in our province, of the artisan wellness sector in increasing the quality of life of people, even in the delicate moment of the treatment process. Padua has a long tradition of excellence in the care of people and in medicine, demonstrated by the history of our University which over the centuries has trained generations of scientists and doctors. Furthermore, the construction of the new hospital in Padua represents a further step forward in consolidating our city as a center of excellence for people’s health. In this context, we are proud that our companies, with dedication and professionalism, offer a significant contribution to the health of citizens. The artisan wellness sector, in the province of Padua, shows significant attention to supporting medical care, with a growing demand for training and a predisposition to collaborate with other professionals. Confartigianato will continue to support these companies, promoting opportunities for growth and professional updating to guarantee a high-quality service to those who live in our territory».

Confartigianato Imprese Padova

Confartigianato has been participating in the project “Non smettere di piacerti” (Don’t stop liking yourself) for a long time, created by Avo, the hospital volunteers association of Padua. In cancer patients, one of the most important and disarming side effects of chemotherapy treatments is hair loss. Thanks to AVO’s initiative, the patient can borrow wigs that can help people during the treatment period. Very important in the “Non smettere di piacerti” group is the figure of a volunteer hairdresser who helps and advises on choosing the most suitable color and cut for each person. “For over ten years,” adds Beatrice Daniele, “our association has been collaborating on this project. It is an initiative that allows beauty professionals to put their skills at the service of cancer patients, with the aim of allowing them to feel good about their appearance even in a complex moment of their lives.”

The seminars

To prepare professionals for this delicate task, Confartigianato, in collaboration with Avo, has been organizing in-depth seminars for several years, the next one will be held on November 4th. “We believe that this type of support – continues Daniele – cannot be based only on generosity, but must find solid foundations in professionalism. For this reason, we believe it is necessary to delve into topics and techniques that allow us to be ready to give our contribution in the best possible way”.

Upa Formazione courses

These days, Upa Formazione, a training body of Confartigianato Imprese Padova, is organizing a series of dermopigmentation courses, led by Gilda Negrini, a beautician and volunteer of ANDOS (National Association of Women with Breast Surgery), specialized in corrective dermopigmentation, a technique that is performed on people who need to cover pathological skin conditions, restore the appearance of healthy skin or as a complement to reconstructive surgery. For more information: [email protected] – ​​Tel. 049 8206184.

Artisan businesses in the wellness sector in the Padua area

Overall, there are 2,311 artisan businesses operating in the wellness sector in the province of Padua. 63% belong to the hairdressing sector (1,464 companies), 27% belong to the beauty sector (635). The sector is made up of the tattoo sector (97 companies, 4% of the total), animal grooming (74 companies, 3% of the total) and fitness/sport-culture/holistic (41, 2% of the total).

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