Water crisis in Basilicata, state of emergency on the horizon

Water crisis in Basilicata, state of emergency on the horizon
Water crisis in Basilicata, state of emergency on the horizon

Yesterday evening, in the Verrastro room of the Region, a technical table meeting was held, attended by all the institutional subjects who in recent days have had to deal with the water crisis, both for drinking and irrigation resources, in Basilicata.

The need – as stated in a note – was to take stock of the situation and to verify the possibilities of requesting a regional state of emergency for civil protection purposes. The state of emergency (as already declared in Sicily and Calabria) would allow for greater incisiveness of the actions needed to deal with the water emergency.

The meeting was attended by the Prefectures of Potenza and Matera, the Regional Civil Protection, the health companies ASM and ASP, the Lucanian Aqueduct and the Land Reclamation Consortium as well as the Lucanian Health Companies, with discussions with Acque del Sud Spa and, above all, with the District Basin Authority which is competent, with its observatory, for the declaration of water severity for the Basilicata region.

An overall picture has been provided of the great contingent difficulties regarding the supply of water for civil use, which – even if resolved quickly – cannot be ignored also in the medium term. Unfortunately, the data on the water resource stored and the weather forecasts in the medium to long term are not at all positive for the solution of the problem. The drought, which will increasingly affect the Lucanian territory, will be the basis for formulating a detailed and motivated request that will allow the National Department of Civil Protection to declare a state of emergency. It is hoped that this process, also shared with the regional Prefectures, will be short. The appeal therefore to the Observatory of the Basin Authority to evaluate with all urgency the data provided for the declaration of water severity.

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