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Naples, illegal occupation of school premises: damages also requested from school principals

Naples, illegal occupation of school premises: damages also requested from school principals
Naples, illegal occupation of school premises: damages also requested from school principals

Naples. Former school custodian dead for over ten years, heirs occupy the institute’s accommodation. They also exploit the water supply unduly.

One of the relatives was arrested for growing marijuana in the schoolyard. The Carabinieri and the Court of Auditors notify school principals of an invitation to deduct over 25 thousand euros in damages to the treasury.

After an intense investigative activity conducted by the Operational Unit of the Carabinieri Company Naples Vomero and coordinated by the Regional Prosecutor’s Office for Campania at the Court of Auditors, various Headmasters pro tempore of the State Comprehensive Institute “Ignazio di Loyola”, located in Naples at Via S. Ignazio di Loyola n. 3, were notified of an invitation to deduce regarding negligent conduct that caused financial damage of 26,775 euros.

The disputed facts concern the former accommodation of the school caretaker, who died over ten years ago, which was illegally occupied by his heirs, who also made undue use of the school’s water supply.

The investigations highlighted a culpable inertia on the part of the School Management pro tempore, who, having learned from the same occupants that they intended to continue to exercise their duties illegally, failed to report this situation.

In particular, the failure to notify the local authority that owned the property prevented the timely adoption of the necessary actions to vacate the premises and request compensation for the sums owed, thus avoiding the statute of limitations.

During the inspection, the military identified a relative of the former caretaker, previously arrested for growing marijuana plants in the schoolyard, adjacent to the accommodation.

The investigations also revealed that, in some cases, the School Management pro tempore provided the illegal occupants with the school alarm codes, compromising the safety of the educational material stored there.

The occupation of these premises caused damage to the educational offer, preventing their reuse for classroom needs, and interfered with the regular functioning of the school institution, given the presence of strangers in contact with young schoolchildren who had indiscriminate access to the school premises.

Expert in Diplomatic and International Law. He has been working in the publishing and communications world for over 30 years. He was a representative of local publishers in FIEG, Administrator of Canale 10 and General Manager of the Società Centro Stampa srl. A careful connoisseur of the Caserta reality.

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